Betaflight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing craft.
This is a customized Betaflight firmware that specifically targets on enabling SITL and Bi-copter research and development.
This edited version of betaflight is dedicated for bi-copter implementation and debugging for personal use. Owned by Jack He.
For real flight setup(not sim), the board I used is F4 V3 Plus, which supports 6 channel PWM output and three UART communication ports. Use
make target=OMNIBUSF4SD
for compiling.
WBUS is the same as SBUS so set it up in the configuration tool on the tab "Configuration/Receiver".
You need to enable the TIM_USE_SERVO on the PIN setup in the target.c file.
Copy and paste the following CLI command to enable M5 and M6 for servo output.
resource MOTOR 5 NONE
resource MOTOR 6 NONE
resource SERVO 1 A01
resource SERVO 2 A08
In Betaflight Configurator, set the CLI as
# Disable runway takeoff check especially when testing on test stand
set runway_takeoff_prevention=off
# Turn off RC interpretation for throttle since it needs to go reverse
set rc_interp_ch=RPY
The motor 3D needs to be turned off for BLHeli setup. Turn 3D back on after setting the ESC. In BLHeli software, set "Low RPM Power Protect" to off.
For linux user only, if the configurator gives you DFU mode but not flashing when clicking "Flash firmware", try the following steps to add a new rule for user and let the system knows the DFU mode.
sudo emacs -nw /etc/udev/rules.d/45-stdfu-permissions.rules
Add the following script:
# DFU (Internal bootloader for STM32 MCUs)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="df11", MODE="0664\
", GROUP="plugdev"
sudo usermod -a -G plugdev <USERNAME>
Following the in src/main/SITL/
Do not use the code here to read transmitor.
Use the code here
How-to-run: node node emu-dx6-msp.js
Configure the joystick using jstest-gtk. Install it with sudo apt-get install jstest-gtk
Save js configuration using sudo jscal-store /dev/input/js0