Releases: HbmMods/Hbm-s-Nuclear-Tech-GIT
release of shame
- Double barrel shotgun
- Special weapon, spawns as part of certain loot pools
- Uses the new 10 gauge caliber
- Will reload after each shot, however it is not belt-fed, if ammo is depleted, the next reload must be triggered manually
- Removed the old casing items
- Reduced the flicker on the autoshotgun's holo sights
- Fixed the bullet casing molds being unobtainable
- Fixed instant crash caused by smelting certain things in the crucible
- Fixed the SPAS' alt fire having a delay of only 10 ticks instead of 20
- Fixed 240mm nuclear shells not triggering properly if they hit their target within 3 ticks of being spawned
- Fixed some items that are supposed to be hidden in NEI being visible
- Fixed dual lever action shotguns having inconsistent damage
- Fixed entities (especially players) not being affected at all by their own explosions (rockets, 40mm grenades, etc)
- To keep rocket jumping at least somewhat viable, self-damage from explosions is reduced by 50%, the knockback remains the same
- Fixed missing localization for the casing molds
- Fixed the broken CIWS turret crashing instantly
- Added safeguards to prevent any unnamed casing config from crashing
- Fixed one of the break action revolver's faces having incorrect normals, making it invisible
- Fixed the fluid trait config not loading correctly
- Fluids are now subject to the /ntmreload command
MD5: e7ead8d5683f4082137ae2d95d845b45
SHA1: 141a043d59bb3c70efa1405e28e3c94dc9abe5cd
on empty rings around the sun
- Any bullet that can ricochet (or at least runs the code for it) can now also break glass, as well as destroy red barrels
- Removed three old achievements which no longer work due to the gun changes
- AJR armor plating now uses niobium instead of saturnite, and yields twice as many items per recipe
- Due to the gating change, the saturnite anvil now has a tier equivalent to a bronze anvil
- Doubled the liberator's base damage to be on-par with the lever action shotgun in order to offset its poor performance due to the reload speed
- Decreased the explosive 12 gauge's damage from x5 to x2.5
- All non black powder shotgun shells now have some amount of damage threshold negation in order to not immediately become useless when used against early power armor
- Obviously shot will always fare worse against higher tier armor, in those cases either use flechettes, slugs, any of the high tier rounds or a different caliber entirely
- Bombers and cargo planes now use interpolation, making their movement smoother and fixing potential desyncs due to TPS
- Trenchmaster armor no longer displays benefits that no longer exist
- Legendaries are no longer found in red rooms, rather they have a whole new system of being discovered and crafted
- "Recipes" are still subject to change, but the base system is final
- There will some day be a completely new dungeon for those, but for now I used what I had
- Mayhaps a new legendary has appeared?
- Glyphids now make use of the same resistance system as armors, their armor is no longer completely ignored by the new guns
- Different damage types have different resistances
- Damage resistance remains the same, while damage threshold is determined by the glyphid's armor - breaking the armor off will decrease the damage threshold
- Balancing might still be off, however glyhids shouldn't be too tanky
- I still haven't bothered to fix the bolter. It's like the son I don't love
- Changed some of the sounds of the guns that still used the default black powder noise
- The flamethrower turret now uses the new flamethrower projectiles
- The now unused old gun items have been completely obliterated
- Headhot mulitpliers now apply for most conventional projectiles, by default the bonus for headshots is +25% damage
- JHP adds +50%
- Fixed 9mm soft points being called ".9mm"
- Fixed missing localization for the hard plastic and PVC autogen materials
- Fixed the fat mine's crafting recipe still using the deprecated ammo item
- Removed legacy ammo items and guns from all remaining item pools
- Fixed the rubber grip not having a recipe
- Fixed the coilgun and bolter not being classified correctly
- Fixed new death messages not working
- Fixed none of the armors having fall resistance
- Fixed survey scanners not picking up nether depth rock
- Fixed FMJ, AP and DU rounds not having damage threshold negation, making them worse against most armored targets compared to JHP
- Fixed autgen items made from unsmeltable materials being smeltable in the crucible
- Fixed 240mm shells not being visible in creative
- Fixed JHP's negative armor piercing value not being counted right, breaking the "armor is worth more" system
- Fixed the second UZI dealing more damage than it should
- Potentially fixed an issue where artillery rockets would sometimes get stuck mid-air
- Fixed the artillery rocket turret's grace range not being 250 as advertised
- Fixed black powder shotshells using smokeless powder instead of smokeful powder
- Fixed the ballistic gauntlet not working with the new system
- Since base damage is now bound to weapons, the ballistic gauntlet now has a base damage of 15
MD5: 3a68bad208c50a1cb66520a10c6204f8
SHA1: c9aa57c3466188d03865223791daad9f5b1f855b
with sparks that ring and bullets fly
Gun rework
- Killed off most existing guns because they suck lol
- Added a bunch of new guns with all new models, animations ammo types and recipes
- Guns are now tiered, using progression related cast components
- Play with your guns! Most guns now have animations for dry firing, and an "inspect" animation that plays when hitting the reload key when reloading is not possible
- Most guns can now be aimed properly. Aiming now uses a dedicated key (mouse 3) instead of sneaking
- All new gun keybinds can be configured of course
- "why is it MMB and not RMB? i know a really easy fix" no you don't, trust me i put a lot of thought into this and that's the only way without making the keybinds inconsistent as hell
- Guns now have multiple types, "standard arsenal" (i.e. the regular selection of guns), "b-side" (alt versions of guns which are not visible in creative, although craftable), "special" (not really part of of the progression tiering) and "legendary" (neither in creative nor in NEI)
- Guns now make the screen visibly recoil. This is a bit of a bold change about which I am unsure myself, so there is an option to turn it off:
/ntmclient set GUN_VISUAL_RECOIL false
- Special damage types now have unique death animations, explosive damage will cause gibbing and laser/electric/fire damage will incinerate the target with only the skeleton remaining
- The skeletonizer has compatibility with most bipedal vanilla mobs as well as most mobs from TechGuns
- Repairing guns is now easier, repair kits are generally cheaper, and have multiple uses
- Instead of working the same until they stop working entirely when durability runs out, new guns now decrease in accuracy (below 50%) and damage (below 33%) when durability goes down. Guns however will still remain functional with no durability left, however the gun will deal next to no damage and barely ever hit anything.
- Since every time i add recycling for deprecated features, someone ends up complaining about the balancing of the recycling or gets confused on where to source items, old guns and ammo are simply not recycleable and instead become useless. Sucks to be you!
- Stuff I did not get around finishing:
- Legendary weapons were supposed to spawn in new dungeons, however right now they just spawn in red rooms
- Bolter's ammo types don't work as advertised and aren't craftable because æügh
- Some of the remnant guns that aren't part of the new system yet are not craftable
- Armor balance may not entirely be correct (read: at all), there's a new system for resistances and current values are just a vague estimate
- You can easily test things yourself, there is a spawn egg for a new test dummy mob which can be equipped with any armor. Damage calculation applies just the same as it would with real players
- Some gun variants aren't even in yet (b-sides, legendaries) because those were super low priority
- Purple bullets don't have their special effects just yet
- Headshot mulitpliers don't apply yet
- Trechnmaster abilities do not work with the new guns yet
- Nitra doesn't craft any of the new ammo types yet, not sure what to even do with that
- Ammo backpacks. yeah! just remembered something about those
- Most of these issues are quite minor so expect them to be resolved in the next update rather soon for the next stable release
- Yes this is what i have been up to for the past months. everything hurts. now go away
- Allows some client-only config options to be edited while ingame
- Config is stored in
in thehbmConfig
folder - Configs can be edited ingame via
/ntmclient set <name> <value>
or in the file and then/ntmclient reload
- Available configs include geiger counter HUD position, info system position and orientation, custom main menu splash texts, ore dict display and custom nuke item info
- Check the config file or
/ntmclient list
for a full list of values, the name should make them self-explanatory!
- Liquid lead
- A valid coolant for both PWRs and ICFs
- Has an immense heat transfer speed bonus, allowing ICFs to be cooled even when using higher tier pellets
- Cools quite effectively in PWRs, but has a negative neutron modifier and a small penalty of how much heat ends up usable
- Overall a cheap and very good coolant, just not as efficient as sodium
- Rotary furnace
- Used to make new alloys like gunmetal or weapon steel
- Can also make desh and saturnite, as well as more efficient steel from iron fragments
- Requires both solid fuel and steam to work
- Ammo press
- Makes the new ammo types
- A recipe can be selected like in the anvil, however the selection will linger since the press has a proper inventory. Therefore, hooking up a hopper allows for ammo to be automated
- Updated russian and chinese localization
- The fine soot recipe in the pyrolysis oven now only needs 4 tar
- Overdrive upgrades now use hard plastic/fullerite instead of lithium crystals
- Machines now only send their sync packets once a second instead of once per tick if the values haven't changed, reducing network traffic by a considerable amount
- Tom's explosion no longer causes any block updates on the millions of blocks it deletes which hopefully fixes a majority of the lag caused by the crater
- Overdrive upgrades now increase power usage in pyrolysis ovens (equivalent to 2 speed upgrades per level)
- Due to the increased maximum demand with overdrives + speed upgrades, the energy buffer for the pyrolysis oven has been increased tenfold
- Updated basalt textures
- Scaffold blocks can now be placed horizontally
- Updated the shredder's textures
- The strand caster will now cast its remaining buffer after 10 seconds of inactivity, even if the buffer is not full enough for a batch of 9
- The soldering station now has a toggle for the "refuse to do recipes with no fluid if fluid is present" behavior
- Recipes using the ore dictionary "oreThorium232" are now also generated for "oreThorium"
- Conveyor grabbers can now output onto belts directly
- I could have just made grabbers delete the input and spawn an identical item on the output but simply changing the position makes it look like the item is sucked in and it looks hilarious
- Cable connections (connectors, pylons, substations) now render about 10x faster and no longer have weird inaccuracies where the segments meet
- Cables can be made even faster by setting
in the config tofalse
- This causes cable connections to render taut, eliminating the need for multiple segments per pylon side
- Heat exchanging heaters are now set to 24,000mB/t by default
- The ICF GUI now lists the laser input as "per tick"
- Glpyhid hives caught in a fallout zone now turn radioactive
- Glyphids spawned by radioactive hives are immune to fire, twice as fast and five times as strong
- Radioactive glpyhids however are NOT immune to radiation, and typically die quickly
- Radioactive hives are sterile, they will not spawn scouts
- PWR core capacity is now limited to 500%, meaning the maximum amount of heatsinks usable is 80
- Item autogen now generates ingot forms for items that are castable but don't have an ingot form, preventing cases where a material is completely uncastable
- This change makes sodium and strontium castable
- Ore dict recipe autogen for crucible molds now prioritizes NTM's own items over any other ore dict compatible item
- If a cracking tower's input is set to an incorrect type, the input and steam tanks are now preserved instead of being set to NONE
- Removed legacy wire items
- Removed random ore, along with its configs
- DFC emitters are now only 95% efficient instead of 98%
- Oily coal has been removed from worldgen, it no longer spawns in new chunks
- Existing oily coal can be mined risk-free
- Reeds rendering into water can now be toggled with the RENDER_REEDS client config
- This option is usually enabled by default, unless Angelica is installed
- Microwave explosions no longer destroy blocks, only the microwave and nearby players
- Wings can now be used like armor mods
- At higher pollution levels, skeletons can now spawn with guns
- Logistic drones now move at 0.625 blocks/t instead of 0.6. There is no balancing reason for this, I just hate weird numbers like 0.6
- Fallout effects now remove snow layers in the same area where they would remove things like small plants and leaves
- Adjusted damage values to many swords and some tools
- Unsats and aromatics can now be filled into gas canisters
- Basalt asbestos ore no longer creates asbestos particles every block update, meaning volcanoes no longer cause massive delays with chunk rendering due to constant block changes
- Rockets shot by the rocket turret are no longer subject to gravity and lock onto the intended target
- Updated the anti-personell mine's model, it also now has 4 different textures which are automatically applied depending on whether the mine is placed underground or what biome it is in
- Saturnite is now exclusively made in the rotary furnace, requiring reformate gas, making it effectively post-RBMK
- To offset the increased cost, some things like ESAPI inserts and desh shredder blades/stamps no longer require saturnite at all
- Small explosions from land mines and bombers now use the new and improved explosions animations from 40mm grenades
- All mini nuclear explosions now use the VNT system, meaning their damaging AoE can no longer be blocked by tiny bumps in the terrain and they will now correctly deal knockback
- Problably a ton of other shit i forgot to document because it's been months and ther only way i even feel anything is by drinking gasoline
- The conveyor grabber should no longer skip over items when used in long lines
- Fixed a potential crash regarding crucibles
- Fixed compa...
yeah that shit stopped being funny
- The ambient radiation generator's functionality and recipe have been disabled as it is being deprecated
- The pyrolysis oven is now compatible with overdrive upgrades
- Steel walls and corners no longer use TESRs for rendering, making them more performant at large scale and fixing any oddities regarding their rendering
- Steel walls and corners can now be rotated using the screwdriver (right click for clockwise, shift click for counter-clockwise)
- Steel walls and corners now use new textures as well as slightly cleaner models
- Steel corner bounding boxes now closely match their model
- Fixed crash caused by the pyrolysis oven on servers
- Due this type of issue happening constantly, the GUI provider system no longer uses any client-only code
- Fixed small black bar rendering under the arrow box of NEI universal handlers when using the NH NEI fork
- Fixed desh screwdrivers not being usable for picking locks
- Possibly fixed an issue caused by MouseTweaks (in combination with other mods) duplicating click input (I can't replicate the issue so I can at best guess)
- Fixed pyrolysis ovens not being able to operate due to the output buffer being full, despite the buffer being a different type
- Fixed a vanilla bug in the standard block renderer causing boxduct bends to have incorrect UV on the -Z and +X sides
MD5: 1ff786640d36f76603bad5363ae63665
SHA1: 047f5111eab9997ed109deb274c0eebe60aac483
the pyrololysis ovenen pt2
- Pyrolysis recipes have been added
- Bedrock ores can be roasted at much higher speeds
- Pyrolysis ovens can now turn 4,000mB of coker gas into 500mB refgas
- Hydrogen + coal can be turned into heavy oil, heavy oil + coal turns into coalgas directly
- The CCGT startup and shutdown sounds are now affected by mufflers
- Armor battery packs now have recipes
- Crash caused by new system gun init on servers
- Fixed chemfac output slots not being marked as outputs, not granting achievements and allowing items to be inserted
MD5: 5020fcd4ef32d861c1153fb13f388df4
SHA1: c19e60ff8b4249ab01845477abc1c11588d8a2d3
fullerite more like fullerwrong
- Settings tool
- Allows settings of blocks and machines to be copied
- Uses settings such as conveyor item filters, fluid types and liquid metal types
- Pyrolysis oven
- An oil 3 machine with multiple applications
- Can solidify most oils like a solidifier, but is way more efficient
- Can create syngas with high efficiency from coal, coke and biomass
- Large amounts of tar can be processed into fine soot, the base ingredient for fullerene
- Upgrades are not implemented yet
- Has a very short "chimney", exhaust pipes have to be connected there to work
- If no exhaust pipes are connected, the chimney will spawn particles
- Most loot piles now have configurable loot pools
- The ntmsatellites command now has the "list" parameter which shows all active satellites in orbit
- Burning in the nether in 528 mode now has a config option, and it no longer affects NPCs
- Jet fuel can now be solidified
- Fixed some things not using variable max charge for armor mods, like static pads and DNT nanosuit tooltips
- Fixed arc furnace recipe config parser breaking when reading fluid recipes
MD5: f97b9c57ba467cd64c7df3ca2e61c383
SHA1: 3c4301ef432c9cd6e6559a16e829419c6c5e8a97
fuck you in particular
Added battery upgrades for power armor but those don't have recipes yet so they don't count
- Changed the multi fluid ID recipe, they now use analog circuits instead of silicon based ones, no longer requiring plastic to make
- Decreased the connection speed for all battery blocks, a full discharge now takes 30 seconds instead of 1 second, and charging now takes 10 seconds
- Capacitors have also been nerfed but they are twice as fast as battery blocks, 5 seconds for charging and 15 seconds for discharging
- Removed forgotten bricks
- Updated CMB brick texture
- The ICF machine block now renders with its 3d model in the creative inventory
- "Toggle backpack" keybind is now called "toggle jetpack" to reduce confusion
- The xenium resonator can now teleport players using the radar linker
- Inserters now have a toggleable destroyer mode which will delete items that cannot be inserted or cached instead of spilling them
- Fixed pumpjack gauges not syncing properly
- Fixed some concrete variants not being revertable into uncolored concrete
- Fixed the ore density scanner not using proper translations for the HUD
- Fixed the solar boiler's rays rendering on fast graphics instead of on fancy graphics
- Fixed hydroreactive items not exploding when submerged in water
- Fixed fluid valves visually disconnecting when switching state
- Fixed fluid valves no visually connecting when type is set
- Fixed falling blocks spawned by nukes or impulse grenades dropping blocks that don't have drops
- Added even more exception handling to CompStacks, hopefully fixing an incompatibility with Mana Metal
MD5: 9c50acd88571f053eaa762800dab63a0
SHA1: 48f3fcb4b975e8c81399b0b35a3b23909107dad6
- To address certain balancing concerns, the RF to HE conversion rate is now 2:5. The HE to RF rate however is still 5:1
- Because of this, using chains of converters as batteries becomes exponentially lossy with size, therefore the input decay has been removed
- Input decay can still be configured if desired
- No input decay also means that converters are no longer infinite energy sinks
- Power converter recipes have been updated
- Soldering stations will no longer work if the recipe requires no input fluid while fluid is present
- While this does complicate using the soldering station manually, as switching from milgrade to standard ICs requires emptying the solderer with a siphon, it does make automating easier, since soldering stations will no longer treat incomplete milgrade circuits as ICs
- Cement is now edible
- Derricks have been remodeled, the port configuration has changed so existing derricks need to be replaced
- Derricks no longer spawn oil spills
- Metal deco blocks are now crafted in batches of 4, as well as recycled in batches of 4. Each block is therefore still worth 25% of an ingot, but recycling your own deco blocks is no longer lossy
- Crates are now compatible with InventoryTweaks
- My condolences to anyone trying to build the mod because getting the workspace to run with the new dependencies was an absolute pain
- Fixed some machines not sending fluid gauge syncs properly
- Fixed refinery GUI crashing when invalid input is used
MD5: 7f51512626fa8f54b2a82f5b905f1fb8
SHA1: a97979800ac020703a4dd2822bfb6bd95bd36524
- Plushies
- Bedrock sellafite
- Replaces bedrock in the bottom of craters
- Looks exactly like slaked sellafite while inheriting all other traits from bedrock (unbreakable, high blast resistance, no mob spawning)
- Overall large craters no longer have the unsightly weird bedrock layer at the bottom
- Updated chinese localization
- The fluid burner, heat exchanging heater and cooling tower now use the single steel pipe items instead of the larger steel pipes
- Reduced the amount of condensers needed for crafting the cooling towers
- Liquefactors and solidifiers now have a base processing time of 5 seconds per operation (instead of 10)
- Added some info to the coltass about how the coltan deposit works
- Moved some NEI handlers around, fluid containers are now listed last and radiolysis is now listed right after cracking, since they have the same recipes
- The autocrafter's inputs are now limited to 4 items per slot
- Autocrafters can now receive stacked items again (except for items with containers), if they do not exceed the 4 item threshold
- Bedrock ores now produce bedrock ore fragments instead of straight outputs, one fragment is equivalent to a nugget
- Fragments also differ in stack size when produced, most primary fractions yield 9 (equal to the previous full powder), but things with lower demands/higher value like bismuth now yield substantially less
- The base speed of the large mining drill when mining bedrock has been reduced by 80%, it is now advisable to either invest in upgrades early on or use multiple drills
- The bedrock ore processor now has a base speed of 30 seconds
- Standard, special, HE artillery shells and most missiles now use updated explosion animations
- Decreased hardness of slag blocks
- Removed legacy circuits
- Removed a bunch of random unused items
- UF6 and PuF6 tanks are being phased out, the blocks will remain for now but functionality and recipes have been removed
- Centrifuges are now configurable via
- Updated refinery GUI
- Crayons now require paper to craft, fixing an issue where some recipes conflict with the dye mixing ones
- Halved energy consumption for night vision goggles
- Solid rocket fuel now uses 100mB of nitric acid instead of redstone and niter
- The nitric acid from sulfuric acid recipe in the chemical plant now yields 1,000mB instead of 500
- Liquefacting niter now yields 750mB instead of 250
- Increased demand for coking sour gas to 1,000mB instead of 250
- This means that sour gas now has a lower concentration of sulfur, making reforming competitive again compared to the previously buffed coking + mixing
- Disperser canisters are now listed below grenades in the creative tab
- Fixed crash caused by decontaminating items with the radiolysis machine
- Fixed ICFs not forming correctly depending on the orientation
- Fixed electrolyzer metal recipe config not working
- Fixed the meteor charms not working when used on helmets
- Fixed NEI handler for the ICF's consturction showing inconsistent values
- Fixed radiolysis recipes not showing up in NEI unless the usage recipes are loaded first
- Fixed autocrafter's grid not properly updating when using NEI drag and drop for the filter
- Fixed all carbon-based crucible materials having the wrong ID, this fix will shift IDs but prevent collisions with silicon
- Fixed primary bedrock ore fraction roasting yielding one extra pile of crumbs
- Fixed filing cabinets being unreasonably laggy due to the old packet code
- Fixed the secure access door taking way longer to craft than any other door
- Fixed issues with the spotlight crafting recipes
- Fixed various issues with opencomputers integration
- Fixed incorrect armor mod descriptions being shown for cards
- Fixed mobs being able to spawn on bedrock ore and bedrock oil
MD5: 36ff1b90cb249d9af4c829a072791c74
SHA1: 7d14302d2ef6156ae2a0f6077434ca8615bc4969
- Removed most legacy boilers
- Electric boilers have been completely removed
- Fired boilers no longer have an on-state, GUI or functionality
- Fired boilers still sometimes spawn in certain structures as loot, they drop 3-6 steel scraps containing 1 ingot worth of steel each
- The rare earth chunk texture is now consistent with the bedrock ores
- Removed the unused watz control elements
- Fixed automatic crafting table filters being broken
- Fixed missing localization for black lung death messages
- Fixed disconnect caused by using a filter on the autocrafter's template output slot
- Fixed sentry turret "Brown" being uncraftable
- Fixed instant crash caused by processing some bedrock ores in an electrolyzer
- Disabled unused debug code for reflection testing
MD5: a08ff6f5d47d6e452ec344a5559a6f67
SHA1: 5ef58305f350f68e6b87474737fc74d681dcc06b