This game is a tribute to the arcade game Outrun. It is a small demo made in SDL with the first stage of the original game.
Project code:
Project webpage:
Latest release (v0.152):
Made by: Daniel Mateu Tudela E-mail: [email protected]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>The game includes the following features:
- First stage of the game (Beach)
- Original animations for the elements in-gmae and the car
- 2 gear shift for the car
- Checkpoints
- Stage background switch
- Highscores
- Choose between the original 3 songs
- Simulated physics and collisions similar to the original version
In the main scene the controls are as follow:
- Insert coin (Key number 5)
- Start (Space key)
- Switch songs (Left/Right keys) (keep one of them pressed while pressing space to choose the songs in the sides)
In-game controls:
- Switch gear (Space key)
- Accelerate (Up key)
- Break (Down key)
- Turn left (Left key)
- Turn right (Right key)
Highscore scene controls:
- Switch word (Left/Right keys)
- Choose word (Space key)
Just as the original game, you have to get to the goal as fast as you can evading the cars and the environment elements and getting the checkpoint. If your final score is between the 7 best, even if you don't finish the race, you will be able to save it in the ladder.
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- Outrun (Arcade) Rev B. (MAME)