What's Changed
- [version] bump version number to 0.2.0 by @FrancoisCarouge in #231
- [valgrind] run tooling through CMake support by @FrancoisCarouge in #232
- [cmake] support target share and pkgconfig by @FrancoisCarouge in #233
- [cmake] rename targets to avoid collision by @FrancoisCarouge in #234
- [cicd] all actions four parallel threads by @FrancoisCarouge in #236
- [test] simplify make sense of eigen h test by @FrancoisCarouge in #237
- [filter] remove low value forwarding reference overloads for simplicity by @FrancoisCarouge in #239
- [cmake] meet shared configuration path requirements by @FrancoisCarouge in #241
- [cicd] shorten dependency script installation by @FrancoisCarouge in #242
- [cmake] add kalman format target path to installation by @FrancoisCarouge in #243
- [cmake] fix format target and document usage by @FrancoisCarouge in #244
- [filter] disable incorrect copy and move support by @FrancoisCarouge in #245
- [cicd] remove uneeded apt update step by @FrancoisCarouge in #246
- [documentation] add the list of projects using this library by @FrancoisCarouge in #247
- [clang] transition from Clang 14 to 15 by @FrancoisCarouge in #248
- [cmake] simplify git paths and names by @FrancoisCarouge in #249
- [cmake] try mdspan dependency by @FrancoisCarouge in #252
- [cmake] add namespaced target alias for in-build-tree support by @FrancoisCarouge in #251
- [eigen] back on Eigen develop branch by @FrancoisCarouge in #250
- [cmake] try kokkos support by @FrancoisCarouge in #253
- [filter] modernize unused variable support by @FrancoisCarouge in #254
- [cmake] fix repeated folder in installation by @FrancoisCarouge in #256
- [filter] split library for expansion by @FrancoisCarouge in #261
- [filter] record future support for post-fit residual by @FrancoisCarouge in #263
- [documentation] remove redundant sponsor section by @FrancoisCarouge in #262
- [cmake] fmt no install option specified by @FrancoisCarouge in #258
- [filter] organize align header and file names by @FrancoisCarouge in #266
- [utility] split support out for simplicity by @FrancoisCarouge in #267
- [documentation] C++ is a tool for the library not a fundamental part β¦ by @FrancoisCarouge in #268
- [cmake] optionally provide the namespace aliased target depending on β¦ by @FrancoisCarouge in #269
- [cmake] rename target file consistency by @FrancoisCarouge in #270
- [cicd] matrix build by @FrancoisCarouge in #271
- [cicd] add generators support by @FrancoisCarouge in #272
- [cicd] verbose pipeline by @FrancoisCarouge in #274
- [cicd] refactor sanitizer support by @FrancoisCarouge in #276
- [documentation] fix a few dead links by @FrancoisCarouge in #278
- [cicd] combine all format checks in one pipeline by @FrancoisCarouge in #279
- [cicd] remove duplicated action by @FrancoisCarouge in #280
- [cicd] parallel cmake commands by @FrancoisCarouge in #285
- [cmake] limit the number of cpack generators by @FrancoisCarouge in #286
- [documentation] add notation, practical knowledge, and future explora⦠by @FrancoisCarouge in #287
- [cicd] support clang in pipeline by @FrancoisCarouge in #281
- [cmake] back on Eigen library master branch by @FrancoisCarouge in #283
- [cmake] remove kokkos wrong project turn by @FrancoisCarouge in #289
- [cmake] narrow scope of dependencies cmake by @FrancoisCarouge in #290
- [filter] rename Kalman details file and typos by @FrancoisCarouge in #291
- [documentation] add a few more filter variations future by @FrancoisCarouge in #292
- [test] rename tests and sort cmake headers by @FrancoisCarouge in #293
- [test] reduce test verbosity by @FrancoisCarouge in #295
- [documentation] tribute and clarifications by @FrancoisCarouge in #296
- [filter] remove unused header by @FrancoisCarouge in #297
- [cicd] verify format of tpp files by @FrancoisCarouge in #299
- [filter] simplify unused arguments function initialization by @FrancoisCarouge in #300
- [filter] replace divide template parameter for overload by @FrancoisCarouge in #301
- [test] follow the class-function-scenario naming convention by @FrancoisCarouge in #302
- [test] follow the class-function-scenario naming convention by @FrancoisCarouge in #303
- [test] add missing math header by @FrancoisCarouge in #304
- [sample] improve type names simplicity by @FrancoisCarouge in #306
- [bugfix] fix master compilation by @FrancoisCarouge in #307
- [cmake] standard cpp no extensions expected by @FrancoisCarouge in #308
- [cppcheck] return to master by @FrancoisCarouge in #309
- [cicd] remove C compiler from this C++ project by @FrancoisCarouge in #310
- [cicd] use stable clang 14 while 15 broken by @FrancoisCarouge in #311
- [cicd] order cppcheck configuration options by @FrancoisCarouge in #312
- [filter] add internal deducer Eigen3 concept support by @FrancoisCarouge in #313
- [cicd] compiler versions update by @FrancoisCarouge in #315
- [cicd] update compiler version for compatibility by @FrancoisCarouge in #316
- [cpp] remove redundant warning by @FrancoisCarouge in #317
- [filter] use internal support for internal filter by @FrancoisCarouge in #318
- [cicd] upgrade format tool for support by @FrancoisCarouge in #319
- [filter] constexpr support by @FrancoisCarouge in #314
- [filter] constexpr division support by @FrancoisCarouge in #320
- [support] rename benchmarks and samples generically by @FrancoisCarouge in #321
- [style] new lines by @FrancoisCarouge in #322
- [support] add standard print support by @FrancoisCarouge in #323
- [format] decouple cstddef system header out by @FrancoisCarouge in #324
- [filter] use quotient type name to prevent matrix type name collision by @FrancoisCarouge in #325
- [utility] support type dependent implementation failure and improvements by @FrancoisCarouge in #326
- [cicd] use cmake in coverage build by @FrancoisCarouge in #327
- [eigen] isolate eigen backend linear algebra support by @FrancoisCarouge in #328
- [benchmark] default to low repetition counts for practicality by @FrancoisCarouge in #330
- [benchmark] CICD regression by @FrancoisCarouge in #331
- [cmake] quote subdirectory paths by @FrancoisCarouge in #332
- [cmake] fix benchmark expression order by @FrancoisCarouge in #333
- [test] remove dead sources by @FrancoisCarouge in #334
- [test] add operator bracket test by @FrancoisCarouge in #335
- [filter] inline identity matrix by @FrancoisCarouge in #336
- [cicd] add support file format verification by @FrancoisCarouge in #337
- [sample] start to generalize samples against linear algebra backend by @FrancoisCarouge in #338
- [test] add a variety of linear algebra tests by @FrancoisCarouge in #339
- [test] fix license by @FrancoisCarouge in #340
- [test] add linalg multiplication arithmetic and cleanup by @FrancoisCarouge in #341
- [utility] expose the named variables template by @FrancoisCarouge in #342
- [benchmark] generalize naming to support various linear algebra backends by @FrancoisCarouge in #344
- [support] fix print file guard by @FrancoisCarouge in #345
- [utility] remove unecessary transpose object exposition by @FrancoisCarouge in #346
- [linalg] start adding linalg alternatives by @FrancoisCarouge in #347
- [cicd] update tidy support by @FrancoisCarouge in #343
- [tidy] fix readability-uppercase-literal-suffix by @FrancoisCarouge in #349
- [cmake] enable linalg alternatives by @FrancoisCarouge in #348
- [cicd] add dependabot default configuration by @FrancoisCarouge in #351
- [cicd] format and cppcheck for lazy support by @FrancoisCarouge in #352
- [tidy] fix static assert by @FrancoisCarouge in #350
- [cicd] add dependabot default configuration by @FrancoisCarouge in #353
- [cicd] configure dependabot by @FrancoisCarouge in #356
- Bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.8.0 to 3.9.3 by @dependabot in #358
- [tidy] fix move const performance by @FrancoisCarouge in #354
- Bump coverallsapp/github-action from 1.1.3 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot in #357
- [linalg] improve documentation by @FrancoisCarouge in #360
- [linalg] generalize support by @FrancoisCarouge in #361
- [test] initializer lists not square improvement by @FrancoisCarouge in #362
- [benchmark] split benchmark cmake for ease by @FrancoisCarouge in #364
- [linalg] test more multiplications by @FrancoisCarouge in #363
- [test] improve initializer lists test by @FrancoisCarouge in #355
- [utility] extend type deducer for more algebra backends by @FrancoisCarouge in #365
- [github] add pull request template by @FrancoisCarouge in #368
- [benchmark] add naive and lazy plot scripts by @FrancoisCarouge in #367
- [cmake] combine property lists in one by @FrancoisCarouge in #369
- [cmake] lto by in project targets for finding more issues at compilation by @FrancoisCarouge in #370
- [benchmark] enable constexpr predict benchmark by @FrancoisCarouge in #371
- [test] organize cmake lists by @FrancoisCarouge in #372
- [cicd] improve format check by @FrancoisCarouge in #373
- [filter] name filter identity value by @FrancoisCarouge in #374
- [benchmark] preliminary naive predict results by @FrancoisCarouge in #377
- [linalg] cleanup and hygiene by @FrancoisCarouge in #378
- [linalg] cleanup and hygiene by @FrancoisCarouge in #379
- [linalg] cleanup and hygiene by @FrancoisCarouge in #380
- Bump coverallsapp/github-action from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 by @dependabot in #381
- [cicd] fix pipeline clang 16 by @FrancoisCarouge in #385
- [documentation] minor readme tweaks by @FrancoisCarouge in #382
- [cicd] gcc 13 support by @FrancoisCarouge in #386
- Bump mattnotmitt/doxygen-action from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 by @dependabot in #388
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #358
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0