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james edited this page Sep 29, 2018 · 16 revisions

These tags are used to invoke certain UI elements or behaviour. As standard, they go within the <head></head> of a page's HTML.

If you're new to HTML, you can find more information here

Top screen

Top screen text

name content alignment
uppertitle any text large and centred with underline
uppersubleft any text medium and left aligned underneath the title
uppersubright any text medium and right aligned underneath the title
uppersubtop any text small and towards the top of the screen in a box
uppersubbottom any text small and centred towards the bottom of the screen

Top screen image (top screen text will be hidden if used):

name content
upperlink absolute path to .nbf image or Flipnote .ppm


<!doctype html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="uppertitle" content="This is the upper title!">
        <!-- content -->

Bottom Screen Background

Top screen background image:

name content
background absolute path to .nbf/.ntft image, followed by comma-separated dimensions


Use a .nbf or .ntft image as the bottom-screen background for this page:

<!doctype html>
        <meta name="background" content="path/to/background.nbf,width,height">
        <!-- content -->

Note: .nbf bottom-screen backgrounds should actually be .npf files, just with the .nbf extension. They are also limited to 8 x 8 pixels

Play Controls

name content use
autoplay 1 if present, this will make the flipnote begin playback as soon as the page is loaded
playcontrolbutton 1 displays the Flipnote player controls
savebutton absolute path to Flipnote .ppm allows download of a Flipnote (will only show if playcontrolbutton is used)


name content use text
commentbutton .reply post a comment Comment
commentherebutton .reply post a comment Write here
replybutton .reply post a comment Reply
postherebutton .post post a Flipnote Post here
postchannelbutton .post post a Flipnote
favoritebutton .follow follow a user Add to Favorites
cutoutbutton .unfollow unfollow a user Remove favorite
deletebutton .delete delete a Flipnote Delete

Star Button

Yellow stars are the default:

<meta name="starbutton" content="<absolute path to page>.star">

Color stars follow a slightly deferent pattern:

<meta name="<name>" content="<absolute path to page>.star/<star color>,<count>">
<name> <star color>
starbutton1 green
starbutton2 red
starbutton3 blue
starbutton4 purple

<count> is the number of how many stars of that type are available.

For example, if a user has 12 red stars, the meta tag would look like this:

<meta name="starbutton2" content="<absolute path to page>.star/red,12">


name content use
autoscroll 1 make the page scroll down automatically (can be stopped with user interaction)
bgm 1 make the 'staff credit roll' music play on loop (music cannot be specified)