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[MIGRATE] HowTo Scouting Lead

Jordan Lees edited this page May 15, 2024 · 1 revision

Scouting Leads have two sets of tasks lists:


Before the event starts (and first thing on event day), follow the steps in the preparation task list.

During the event

To see how pit scouting is going

Go into the Pit Scouting option in the nav menu to track which teams have been scouted (greyed out) and which teams still need to be scouted (buttons are in color)

To see who is supposed to match scout upcoming matches

Go into the Match Scouting option in the nav menu to see the assignments for the next 10 matches.

Some assignments may be blank due to resource constraints; if so, find someone to do a ‘one-off’ match scouting for that match.

As matches are completed

The Blue Alliance pushes updates out as results come in, which are received and consumed by Scoutradioz. When the TBA data has been received, scores will appear for that match.

You can see a running log of the push events at the FRC Ticker

Once scores are in the system, that match is now flagged as completed/finished.

To update the match scouting schedule after each break (when using the 'every 5...' process)

  1. Go to Team Management
  2. Go into “Scouting Pairs”
  3. Adjust checkmarks under 'Team@Match Allocation 2.0'
  4. Click (Re)Allocate teams@matches to ASSIGNED + CHECKED

To replace a scout in the schedule with a different person

  1. Go to Team Management
  2. Go to Swap out/in match scouts
  3. Choose who to swap OUT and who to swap IN; click Submit

To audit how well people have been doing with match scouting

Go to Team Management; go into Scouting audit

For each assigned scouter, will show a ‘Y’ if they did the scouting, a ‘C’ if it was done but someone else covered it for them, or an ‘N’ if it wasn’t done at all.