Learn about reproducible data pipelining practices used by the U.S. Geological Survey Data Science Branch. Currently, an R-based pipelining tool called targets
is the foundation for USGS Data Science workflows but this could change in the future.
To get started create a copy of this repository using the "Use this template" option in the upper right portion of the screen. Then click on course-instructions.md
This repository is a static version of the targets training course: Intro to targets
Data Analysis Pipelines for USGS Data Science. That course has been archived as version 1.0.0.
If you are a trainee, you can get started by clicking the green "use this template" button in the upper right and then selecting "create a new repository" from the drop down menu.
Once you "create a new repository" you should see a menu of options that looks like this:
Check to make sure that you are using the right repository template. Then make sure that you select your GitHub account as the "Owner" and re-name it. We recommend using the same name as the DOI-USGS template. Finally, make sure that your GitHub repository is "Public".
To get started you will need to create a local copy of the repository and to open the course instructions in a browser window.
To create a local copy - use git
to clone
a local copy of your new template.
To start the lesson, click on course-instructions.md
and work your way through the course. We recommend viewing the instructions in the browser.