Welcome to the first installment of "introduction to data pipelines" at USGS!! ✨
Data analyses are often complex. Data pipelines are ways of managing that complexity. Our data pipelines have two foundational pieces:
Good organization of code scripts helps you quickly find the file you need, whether you or a teammate created it.
Dependency managers such as
, andtargets
that formalize the relationships among datasets and functions. This ensures reproducibility while also minimizing the amount of unnecessary runtime as you're developing parts of the pipeline.
Before getting started, you'll need some R packages. You will need to install targets
and its companion package, tarchetypes
install.packages(c("targets", "tarchetypes"))
While you are at it, please install a few other packages that you'll use along the way:
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "sbtools", "whisker", "dataRetrieval"))
When all packages are installed, check the version of the targets
package with packageVersion("targets")
, and verify that the number you just output is greater than or equal to 0.3.1
If not, try re-installing:
install.packages(c("targets", "tarchetypes"))
If you can't get it to work, try contacting your designated course instructor!
You'll be revising files in this repository shortly. To follow our team's standard git workflow, you should first clone this training repository to your local machine so that you can make file changes and commits there.
Open a git bash shell (Windows) or a terminal window (Mac) and change (cd
) into the directory you work in for projects in R (for me, this is ~/Documents/R
). There, clone the repository and set your working directory to the new project folder that was created:
cd ,your preferred working directory for projects>
git clone [email protected]:<username>/ds-pipelines-targets-1-course.git
cd ds-pipelines-targets-1-course
Now you should create a local branch called "structure" and push that branch up to the "remote" location (which is the github host of your repository). We're naming this branch "structure" to represent concepts in this section of the lab. In the future you'll probably choose branch names according to the type of work they contain - for example, "pull-oxygen-data" or "fix-issue-17".
git checkout -b structure
git push -u origin structure
By using checkout
, you have switched your local branch from "main" to "structure", and any changes you make from here on out to tracked files will not show up on the main branch. To take a look back at "main", you can always use git checkout main
and return to "structure" with git checkout structure
. We needed the -b
flag initially because we wanted to combine two operations - creating a new branch (-b
) and switching to that new branch (checkout
). A successful push of the branch will result in a message that looks like this: Branch 'structure' set up to track 'origin/structure'
While you are at it, this is a good time to invite a few collaborators to your repository, which will make it easier to assign them as reviewers in the future. In the ⚙️ Settings widget at the top of your forked repo, select "Manage access". Go ahead and invite your course labmate(s). It should look something like this:
You can move on from this step when you've successfully pushed your branch to remote and added some collaborators.
USGS Data Science code repositories have a modular and predictable organizational structure. We organize our code into functions, targets, and conceptual "phases" of work. Using a consistent structure across repositories makes it easier for data scientists to collaborate with each other because they can quickly understand the major components of the pipeline. Phased pipelines also make it easier to identify where a pipeline needs to change when being adapted from one project to another.
Often we create temporary code or are sent scripts that look like my_work_R/my_happy_script.R
in this repository. Take a minute to look through that file now.
This code has some major issues, including that it uses a directory that is specific to a user, it plots to a non-project file location, and the structure of the code makes it hard to figure out what is happening. This simple example is a starting point for understanding the investments we make to move towards code that is easier to reproduce, share, and understand. Additionally, we want to structure our code and our projects in a way where we can build on top of them as the projects progress. We're going to provide a little background information and then combine several tasks into this assignment. You'll be asked to make some modifications to your training repository and also to create a pull request that captures these changes.
We use team conventions for how our pipelines are organized, which make it easier to hop in and out of collaborative projects and to rapidly understand what is going on within a pipeline.
We refer to major elements of a pipeline as "phases", and name phases according to their purpose, such as 1_fetch
or 2_process
. These phases are used to separate files and data based on the intent of the code we are writing, and make it tractable to figure out where you'd need to edit code if you were coming in fresh to the project.
For medium to large pipelines projects, you'll see these workflow phases explicitly named by a number often followed by a verb (separated by an underscore). We use these phases to create different folders 📁 for data and code, and also to specify how we orchestrate the running of code (more on that later).
So, if we have a 1_fetch
phase, code in the fetch folder 📁 would be used to do things like get data from web services, google drive, an FTP, or to scrape a website. 2_process
(or 2_munge
) might contain code that transforms the "fetched" data into more usable formats.
We recommend having src
and out
folders within each phase folder that contain code for this phase (src
) and data (or other files) produced by this phase (out
). When seeing some of our existing pipelines in action, you may also see other folders 📁 named in
, log
, and tmp
to represent manually added files, logged/diagnostic output, and temporary data files, respectively.
⌨️ Activity: Restructure your code repository to follow our team's conventions for folders and files
Currently, your local repository should look like this:
├── LICENSE.md
├── README.md
├── archive
├── code.json
├── course-instructions.md
├── ds-pipelines-targets-1-course.Rproj
└── my_work_R
└── my_happy_script.R
Create a two phase directory structure for "fetch" and "process" steps, and include src
and out
subdirectories in both. Move the example script (my_happy_script.R
) from the my_work_R
folder into one of the src
folders (at this time, it doesn't matter which one you choose) and delete any existing folders that aren't part of the intended structure.
After adding two new phases, your repository should look like this:
├── LICENSE.md
├── README.md
├── archive
├── code.json
├── course-instructions.md
├── ds-pipelines-targets-1-course.Rproj
├── 1_fetch
│ ├── out
│ └── src
│ └── my_happy_script.R
└── 2_process
├── out
└── src
When you are done, open a pull request
with the changes.
Great, your PR is open! Let's do some more work before merging it. Now that your files are organized into phases, next you will add a commit to your pull request that makes changes to the code itself.
In addition to phases, it is important to decompose high-level concepts (or existing scripts) into thoughtful functions and targets that form the building blocks of data processing pipelines. In the context of the targets
package, a target is a noun we use to describe a tangible output of function, often a file or an R object, that we can use as an end-product (like a summary map), or as an input into another function.
We strive to create functions that declare their clear purpose (combining good function naming with thoughtful arguments/inputs is helpful for this) and are designed for re-use when appropriate. When writing pipelines functions, look for areas of re-usable operations or places where simple dividing lines can be drawn between different parts of data access, processing, modeling/analysis, and visualization. We use the high-level "phases" to divide the major concepts, but the way we scope functions is an additional subdivide. It is a best practice to have a function do a single thing, so instead of creating two plots and a table, it might be better to use one function to generate a table, which is then used as input to another function to create a plot. There are exceptions to this pattern (a 1:1 function-to-target pairing) that we'll get into later.
⌨️ Activity: Modify existing code to create functions that generate plot, table, and log file outputs
We started you off with an example script in the my_work_R
folder, which hopefully lives in either 1_fetch/src
or 2_process/src
by now. This script loads data and generates one plot, two comma-delimited tables, and a diagnostic log file. It should run for you without any changes, as long as you are able to install the R packages loaded. However, there's room for improvement in the script, including a few bad coding practices that need to be cleaned up.
Split this single script into several functions that can be used to build the same four things: one plot, two comma-delimited tables, and a diagnostic log file. Use your same folder structure that was created for your open PR, but feel free to add a "3_visualize" phase. When you are happy with your changes, delete the original script and commit your new script(s) into git source control.
Note: you should only commit the code required to run your scripts. Generally, any data or files that are produced by the code should not be committed to GitHub. For this reason, add anything that ends up in */out/*
folders to your .gitignore
file (read more about .gitignore
files here) so that you do not accidentally commit them to GitHub.
Let your collaborators/reviewers know via a comment made to the pull request conversation that specifies how to run your code. For example:
data <- fetch_data()
Push your commit(s) to the open pull request and continue.
When updating the directory structure to accomodate your phases and then adding your functions, you should have added */out/*
to your .gitignore
file. But what if one of the functions you wrote depends on the existence of an out
subfolder such as 1_fetch/out
? As noted earlier, you generally do not want to commit files that end up in an out
subfolder because the pipeline should be able to build outputs from scratch, but you may want to include the file structure so that code that depends on that structure can successfully run.
does not track folders without files in them:
One approach to getting around this, is to include a hidden file to your out
subfolders. When setting up a phased pipeline, we typically add a .empty
file to each out
subfolder and then tell git
to ignore all files in */out/*
except for the .empty
file. You can negate any statement in .gitignore
by using the exclamation point (!
). Here's an example of what that might look like in your .gitignore
In the above example, git
will ignore all files in all out
subfolders except for the .empty
file in 1_fetch/out
To create a .empty
file you can use a text editor to create a new text file and then, when prompted to save, change the file name from the default value (e..g, new file.txt
) to .empty
Add hidden files (.empty
) to each of your out
subfolders and then update .gitignore
Push your commit(s) to the open pull request and assign your course contact for review.
We're asking everyone to invest in the concepts of reproducibility and efficiency of reproducibility, both of which are enabled via dependency management systems such as remake
, scipiper
, drake
, and targets
We hope that the case for reproducibility is clear - we work for a science agency, and science that can't be reproduced does little to advance knowledge or trust.
But, the investment in efficiency of reproducibility is harder to boil down into a zingy one-liner. Many of us have embraced this need because we have been bitten by issues in our real-world collaborations, and found that data science practices and a reproducibility culture offer great solutions. Karl Broman is an advocate for reproducibility in science and is faculty at UW Madison. He has given many talks on the subject and we're going to ask you to watch part of one of them so you can be exposed to some of Karl's science challenges and solutions. Karl will be talking about GNU make, which is the inspiration for almost every modern dependency tool that we can think of. Click on the image to kick off the video.
💻 Activity: Watch the above video on make and reproducible workflows up until the 11 minute mark (you are welcome to watch more)
Let your course contact know what you thought was interesting about these pipeline concepts in a few sentences.
✨ Great! ✨
You could consider GNU make to be a great grandparent of the packages we referred to early in this lesson (remake
, scipiper
, drake
, and targets
). Will Landau, the lead developer of targets
, has added a lot of useful features to dependency management systems in R, and has a great way of summarizing why we put energy into using these tools: "Skip the work you don't need"
Check out Will's video on targets
📺 Activity: watch video on targets from at least 7:20 to 11:05 (you are welcome to watch the full talk if you'd like)
Let your course labmate know what contrasts you identified between solutions in make
and what is offered in R-specific tools, like targets
Our targets
pipelines in R use a makefile
file to orchestrate the connections among files, functions, and phases. In this issue, we're going to develop a basic understanding of how these files work, starting with the anatomy of the _targets.R
In addition to phases (which we covered earlier), it is important to decompose high-level concepts (or existing scripts) into thoughtful functions and "targets" that form the building blocks of data processing pipelines. A target is a noun we use to describe a tangible output of a function, which is often a file or an R object. Targets can be used as an end-product (like a summary map) or as input into another function to create another target.
To set up a targets
pipeline, you will need to create the base makefile named _targets.R
that will declare and orchestrate the rest of the pipeline connections.
A simple version of _targets.R
might look something like this:
tar_option_set(packages = c("tidyverse", "sbtools", "whisker"))
download_data(out_filepath = "model_RMSEs.csv"),
format = "file"
process_data(in_filepath = model_RMSEs_csv),
make_plot(out_filepath = "figure_1.png", data = eval_data),
format = "file"
This file does three things:
- It defines the relationships between different "targets" (see how the target
is an input to the command that creates the targeteval_data
?), - it tells us where to find any functions that are used to build targets (see the
call that points you tocode.R
), and - it declares the package dependencies needed to build the different targets (see the
command that passes in a vector of packages).
We'll briefly explain some of the functions and conventions used here. For more extensive explanations, visit the targets
- Put any
commands for loading R files andlibrary
commands for loading packages at the top of the file. The packages loaded here should be only those needed to build the targets plan; packages needed to build specific targets can be loaded later. We recommend puttingsource
and `library commands at the top of the file so that they are easy to find when opening the script. - Declare each target by using the function
and passing in a target name (name
arg) and the expression to run to build the target (command
arg). - There are two types of targets - objects and files. If your target is a file, you need to add
format = "file"
to yourtar_target()
call and the command needs to return the filename of the new file.figure_1_png
above is a file target. - Setup the full pipeline by combining all targets into a single
object. - There are 2 ways to define packages used to build targets: 1) declare using the
argument intar_option_set()
in your makefile to specify packages used by all targets or 2) use thepackages
argument in individualtar_target()
functions for packages that are specific to those targets. model_RMSEs_csv
shows up two times - why?model_RMSEs_csv
is the name of a target that creates the filemodel_RMSEs.csv
when the commanddownload_data()
is run. When passed in as input to other functions (unquoted), it represents the filename of the file that was created when it was built. So whenmodel_RMSEs_csv
shows up as an argument to another function,process_data()
, it is really passing in the filename. Theprocess_data()
function then reads the files and changes the data (or "processes" it) in some way.
We're going to start with this simple example, and modify it to match our pipeline structure. This will start by creating a new branch, creating a new file, adding that file to git tracking, and opening a new pull request that includes the file:
First things first: We're going to want a new branch. You can delete your previous one, since that pull request was merged.
git checkout main
git pull
git branch -d structure
git checkout -b makefile
git push -u origin makefile
Next, create the file with the contents we've given you by entering the following from your repo directory in terminal/command line:
cat > _targets.R
tar_option_set(packages = c("tidyverse", "sbtools", "whisker"))
# Get the data from ScienceBase
download_data(out_filepath = "model_RMSEs.csv"),
format = "file"
# Prepare the data for plotting
process_data(in_filepath = model_RMSEs_csv),
# Create a plot
make_plot(out_filepath = "figure_1.png", data = eval_data),
format = "file"
# Save the processed data
write_csv(eval_data, file = "model_summary_results.csv"),
format = "file"
# Save the model diagnostics
generate_model_diagnostics(out_filepath = "model_diagnostic_text.txt", data = eval_data),
format = "file"
then use Ctrl+D
to exit the file creation mode and return to the prompt.
Finally, create a pull request
that includes this new file (the file should be called _targets.R
). In the following section, we'll provide some helpful suggestions to improve your pipeline.
- Great work, but now you've realized you want to download the
instead. Can you make a change to make sure that happens when you build this target? - Like with the downloaded data, let's move this plot output file into the appropriate phase folder (so, something like
). You can also rename the figure if you'd like to use something more descriptive.
So, what does this do for you? Well, if you had this _targets.R
file in your current working directory (which you do), and you had defined the download_data()
, process_data()
, plot_data()
, and generate_diagnostics()
functions in code.R
(which you haven't), it would look like this when you ran tar_make()
from the targets
Now that you have successfully run your first pipeline, your repository should contain a folder called _targets
. This folder gets created when you run tar_make()
and it stores all R objects and metadata created as part of the pipeline. More information about the _targets
folder is available in the targets
Since the _targets
folder and its contents are not required to run your pipeline they should not be committed to GitHub. Let's take a moment to edit your .gitignore
file. Add a line with _targets
so that git doesn't track the contents of the targets
directory. While you're in the .gitignore
file, you should also double check that the contents of 1_fetch/out/*
will be ignored by git because you don't want to store changes to your downloaded .csv files (you may have already added a more generic */out/*
to your .gitignore
that handles all out/
folders in this repo).
Now that you've completed your first pipeline run and updated your .gitignore
file - let's add on to this PR by pushing up additional commits - add and modify code, folders, and this makefile so you can build your 3_visualize/out/figure_1.png
with targets::tar_make()
(BTW, if you haven't run into this syntax, {package_name}::{function_name} allows you to run a function without library({package_name})
). Build on your existing folders, functions, and code from the previous sections by continuing with the phases 1_fetch
, 2_process
, and 3_visualize
. Comment in the pull request with a screenshot of the build message, like we have in the message above ☝️. Assign your course contact to review your PR, and they may ask for a few changes before merging.
You are doing a great job! 🌟 💥 🐠
But you may be asking why we asked you to go through all of the hard work of connecting functions, files, and targets together using a makefile. We don't blame you for wondering...
The real power of depedency management is when something changes - that's the EUREKA! moment, but we haven't put you in a situation where it would show up. That will come further down the road on later training activities and also in the project work you will be exposed to.
In the meantime, here are a few nice tricks given you have a functional pipeline.
- run
again. What happens? Hopefully not much. I see this:
Which means everything is up to date so all targets are :OK:
now try making a change to one of your functions in your code. What happens after running
then? -
access the
target by usingtar_load(eval_data)
. (You may or may not have an R-object target namedeval_data
in your own repo at this point, so go ahead and try it with some target that you do have.) In this example, we have passed in the unquoted target nameeval_data
which creates a data.frame object in our environment calledeval_data
because that's what our example functionprocess_data()
creates. If you load a file target, liketar_load(model_RMSEs_csv)
, the resulting object in your environment is a character vector with the path to the target's file. -
now try making a change to the
variable in your function that creates the .txt file. What happens after runningtar_make()
then? Which targets get rebuilt and which do not?
Lastly, imagine the following comment appeared on your pull request.
Oh shoot, I am using your results for FANCY BIG PROJECT and I have coded everything to assume your outputs use a character for the experiment number (the
column), of the form "01", "02", etc. It looks like you are using numbers. Can you update your code accordingly?
Would your code be easy to adjust to satisfy this request? Would you need to re-run any steps that aren't associated with this naming choice? Did the use of a dependency management solution allow you to both make the change efficiently (i.e., by avoiding rebuilding any unnecessary parts of the pipeline) and increase your confidence in delivering the results?