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Nils Kopal edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 1 revision

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Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) by Developers

On this page we have collected some of the most common errors and problems that have been encountered while developing and using this project. This includes compilation errors as well as run-time exceptions.

Compiling issues

Q: It does not compile due to a missing file. What can I do?

A: Please check if the missing file is where it is supposed to be. If it's not there, then file an ussze or tell us. This should not happen. However, if it IS there, then check if the total path length of this file (including its name) exceeds 256 characters -- this can happen when you checkout in a very deep directory. If it exceeds this length you have to move the whole source code directory into a less deep directory, such as directly to C:\CT2-Repository\

Q: The compilation fails with the following error message: Der Befehl "xcopy /Y "..\..\Lib" "Lib\" xcopy /E /Y "..\..\Templates" "Templates\"" wurde mit dem Code 4 beendet.

A: This error message can occur when you have another instance of CrypTool2 running (for example the installer version of CT2) during the compilation. This might prevent the compiler from overwriting some blocked resources. Quit all running instances of CT2 and start the compilation process again.

Runtime issues

Q: Is it possible to open a specific workspace (.cwm) when I start CT2 so I don't have to open it manually all the time?

A: Sure, just open the CrypWin.exe properties and add the path to your .cwm in the Command Arguments section. Don't forget to put your path in quotation marks if it contains spaces.

Organizational issues

Q: How to include a plugin to the nightly build?

A: Ask a core developer to add it to the nightly build.