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Nils Kopal edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 3 revisions

This is a list of terms that we (i.e. the developers) use within CrypTool 2. Some of the terms have a meaning in the outside world, but we here define the meaning in context of CrypTool 2. This is not a documentation for the end user, it's rather for developers.

Table of Contents


  • AnotherEditor: the "old" →editor. It has been in use for a quite a while and there are many →templates saved as cte →project files. AnotherEditor basically does its job, but was never really meant for complex →workflows which means it is slow and the execution is non-deterministic. Use →WorkspaceManager if unsure.



  • Component: Some algorithm or tool that can be dragged into the →workspace and interconnected with other components (also known as →plugins) to create a →workflow



  • Editor: Shows the →workspace, allows to edit the →workflow and to run it. There are two major editors: the old →AnotherEditor and the new →WorkspaceManager. Some other CT2 features are also implemented as editors (like the →Startcenter, the →Wizard and the →P2PEditor) which means they implement the same interface and fill the workspace. However, they are not meant to edit workflows.
  • Execution chain: another name for →workflow.
  • ExecutionEngine: Part of the →WorkspaceManager that executes →workflows.





  • Internal solution: non-public Visual Studio .sln file in →SVN trunk that is used to create the →nightly builds. Only core developers can modify it.





  • Model: term mostly used for the →WorkspaceManager model.


  • NetworkManager: allows registering and connecting to the P2P distributed computing platform and shows the list of distributed jobs. NetworkManageris implemented as →editor but does not handle itself any →workflows, it opens →WorkspaceManager instead. Also called P2PEditor.
  • Nightly build: compiled and packaged CT2 installation based on the current and experimental →SVN trunk. The nightly build is created automatically around midnight (UTC), can be downloaded on our website and is distributed as automatic update for those who choose to include nightly builds.



  • P2PEditor: another name for →NetworkManager
  • Project file: a →workflow that is saved as a file. →AnotherEditor uses .cte files and →WorkspaceManager uses .cwm files. Project files shipped with CT2 are called →templates (also known as →samples).
  • Plugin: Former name of →component
  • Public solution: Main Visual Studio .sln file in →SVN trunk. All developers can modify it but it shall always compile successfully.




  • Sample: Short for sample project and former name of →template
  • Setting:
    1. Program setting that can be accessed in the settings tab (button at top right)
    2. Plugin/component setting that is unique for each component instance in the →workflow. Can be currently accessed in the window pane on the right, and also in →WorkspaceManager within the component view (work in progress).
  • Startcenter: New welcome screen with quick links to the most important CT2 functions. Currently work in progress and implemented as an →editor (but does not handle any →workflows itself).


  • Template: →Project file that is shipped with CT2 and that contains some pre-built →workflow.
  • Ticket: Bug or feature request that is tracked in our →trac
  • Trac: Web-based project management with Wiki, bug/issue tracker (called →tickets) and some more helpful stuff.




  • Wizard: New step-by-step guide for the user to access some crypto stuff without having to create or understand a →workflow. Implemented as →editor and relies on →WorkspaceManager to open and run some existing →templates.
  • Workflow: Content of the →workspace, i.e. an arrangement of interconnected →components that can be executed. The workflow can be saved as →project file. Also known as execution chain.
  • Workspace: Large center area that is used by an →editor to show a →workflow.
  • WorkspaceManager: the "new" →editor which shall replace AnotherEditor. It separates the →workflow into view and model (MVC concept) and uses an →ExecutionEngine to execute the workflow.