This project use Machine Learning Algorithms to be represent, in a 3D space, movies based on similarities. From a Dataset provided by IMDb, a subset of movie has been extracted. Datas have been completed/improved by using OMDb API. After a phase a cleanup/preparation, the tSNE model has been used to represent movies in a smaller dimension. The rendering has been done in JavaScript using WebGL with three.js.
Website is available at
Information about the Modelization is available in the
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
No prerequisites are needed, you can download the repository or clone it.
git clone
No installation is required. All libraries are included in "/includes/" folder
You can explore the World of Movie manually or you can select a movie in the dropdown list. The dropdown list evolves based on the number of points displayed (the more you display, the slower the rendering is ... obviously :) )
On mouse over a particle, the title with be displayed on top of the screen. In addition, all movies at a distance given to the camera will have the name close to it. The depth of rendering can be adjusted.
You can move the camera with :
- left-click : rotation of the camera around a point ( initial position is (0, 0, 0) )
- right-click : Pan the camera
- mouse-wheel : zoom (maintain the click and mouse the mouse also work)
- r : reset the camera to the initial position
- g : re-generate the rendering (only in case of bug)
- h : open the Help ( this page, so you probably already know :) )
Several options are possibles in the control panel. You can change :
- color : Color of the point onMouseOver
- color_dropdown : Color of the point on DropDown List
- ambiente_color : Color of the ambient light
- spotX_color : Color of both directionnal lights
- max_points : Number of movies/particle displayed (decrease performances)
- text_depth : max depth where title is displayed (decrease performances a lot)
- font_close/far : size of the font close to camera and at the limit of the frustum
- scale : Size of all particles
- max_depth : Depth of the frustum
- display_fps : hide/show the Stats Panel
- regenerate : same as pressing "g"
You can move the camera with :
- left-click : rotation of the camera around a point ( initial position is (0, 0, 0) )
- mouse-wheel : zoom
For model 2 and 3, you can
- play with colors (sphere, and light)
- Hide/Show the Sphere
- Hide/Show the FPS
On model 4, there is no option as there is no light/sphere. Instead, Posters will be displayed on this area on Mouve Over a Movie.
- Nicolas MINE - Initial work - Coni63
Some pieces of codes comes from som answers on StackOverflow forum. Most usefull ones will be displayed below :
This project is still under constructions with a lot of features to include. Feel free to create a Pull request, let me know for improvements possible or issues. As mentionned above, a new dataset from IMDB will be used to create a more relevant clustering.
You may experience lags (mainly on models 1 and 5 with 3D objects) for multiple reasons :
The number of points displayed is quite important for your computer (WebGL performances are lower than a game). Try to reduce the option "max_points".
The depth of label rendering is too big. Every label is generated using a floating <div>. At every frame, all position are calculated and this is intensive if you display title of a lot of movies.
You don't have the "Hardware Activation"'s option activated. If you have a GPU and you see in the task manager that the use is 0% for your browser, that means this option is disabled. To activate it follow the steps based on your Browser on this link
- This website doesn't work on IE11 as it doesn't support ES6 yet.