This project has for objective to embed movies based on similarities, in a 3D space. If you liked a movie and want to see similar movies, you can look which other movies are close to this one. Based on modelizations assumptions/restrictions, you may find different movies closer to a specific movie instead of the next episode. This is also kept on purpose as you often know that there is another episode.
You can explore the World of Movie manually or you can select a movie in the dropdown list. The dropdown list evolves based on the number of points displayed (the more you display, the slower the rendering is ... obviously :) )
On mouse over a particle, the title with be displayed on top of the screen. In addition, all movies at a distance given to the camera will have the name close to it. The depth of rendering can be adjusted.
You can move the camera with :
- left-click : rotation of the camera around a point ( initial position is (0, 0, 0) )
- right-click : Pan the camera
- mouse-wheel : zoom (maintain the click and mouse the mouse also work)
- r : reset the camera to the initial position
- g : re-generate the rendering (only in case of bug)
- h : open the Help ( this page, so you probably already know :) )
Several options are possibles in the control panel. You can change :
- color : Color of the point onMouseOver
- color_dropdown : Color of the point on DropDown List
- ambiente_color : Color of the ambient light
- spotX_color : Color of both directionnal lights
- max_points : Number of movies/particle displayed (decrease performances)
- text_depth : max depth where title is displayed (decrease performances a lot)
- font_close/far : size of the font close to camera and at the limit of the frustum
- scale : Size of all particles
- max_depth : Depth of the frustum
- display_fps : hide/show the Stats Panel
- regenerate : same as pressing "g"
You may experience lags for multiple reasons :
The number of points displayed is quite important for your computer (WebGL performances are lower than a game). Try to reduce the option "max_points".
The depth of label rendering is too big. Every label is generated using a floating <div>. At every frame, all position are calculated and this is intensive if you display title of a lot of movies.
You don't have the "Hardware Activation"'s option activated. If you have a GPU and you see in the task manager that the use is 0% for your browser, that means this option is disabled. To activate it follow the steps based on your Browser on this link
- This website doesn't work on IE11 as it doesn't support ES6 yet.