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seabbs committed Oct 11, 2024
1 parent 1b89423 commit 939ca74
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Showing 3 changed files with 49 additions and 46 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion EpiAware/src/EpiLatentModels/models/HierarchicalNormal.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The `HierarchicalNormal` struct represents a non-centered hierarchical normal di
- `HierarchicalNormal(mean, std_prior)`: Constructs a `HierarchicalNormal` instance with the specified mean and standard deviation prior.
- `HierarchicalNormal(; mean = 0.0, std_prior = truncated(Normal(0,1), 0, Inf))`: Constructs a `HierarchicalNormal` instance with the specified mean and standard deviation prior using named arguments and with default values.
- `HierarchicalNormal(std_prior)`: Constructs a `HierarchicalNormal` instance with the specified standard deviation prior.
## Examples
```jldoctest HierarchicalNormal
Expand All @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ rand(mdl)
@kwdef struct HierarchicalNormal{R <: Real, D <: Sampleable} <: AbstractTuringLatentModel
mean::R = 0.0
std_prior::D = truncated(Normal(0, 1), 0, Inf)

function HierarchicalNormal(std_prior::D)
return HierarchicalNormal(; mean = 0.0, std_prior = std_prior)

@doc raw"
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63 changes: 31 additions & 32 deletions EpiAware/src/EpiLatentModels/models/MA.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,16 @@
The moving average (MA) model struct.
# Constructors
- `MA(coef_prior::Distribution, std_prior::Distribution; q::Int = 1, ϵ_t::AbstractTuringLatentModel = IDD(Normal()))`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions for MA coefficients and standard deviation. The order of the MA model and the error term distribution can also be specified.
- `MA(θ::Distribution, σ::Distribution; q::Int = 1, ϵ::AbstractTuringLatentModel = IDD(Normal()))`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions.
- `MA(; coef_priors::Vector{C} = [truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)], std_prior::Distribution = HalfNormal(0.1), ϵ_t::AbstractTuringLatentModel = IDD(Normal())) where {C <: Distribution}`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions for MA coefficients, standard deviation, and error term. The order of the MA model is determined by the length of the `coef_priors` vector.
- `MA(; θ::Vector{C} = [truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)], σ::Distribution = HalfNormal(0.1), ϵ::AbstractTuringLatentModel = HierarchicalNormal) where {C <: Distribution}`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions.
- `MA(coef_prior::Distribution, std_prior::Distribution, q::Int, ϵ_t::AbstractTuringLatentModel)`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions for MA coefficients, standard deviation, and error term. The order of the MA model is explicitly specified.
- `MA(θ::Distribution, q::Int, ϵ_t::AbstractTuringLatentModel)`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions and order.
# Parameters
- `θ`: Prior distribution for the MA coefficients. For MA(q), this should be a vector of q distributions or a multivariate distribution of dimension q.
- `q`: Order of the MA model, i.e., the number of lagged error terms.
- `ϵ_t`: Distribution of the error term, typically standard normal.
# Examples
Expand All @@ -32,35 +37,32 @@ rand(mdl)

struct MA{C <: Sampleable, S <: Sampleable, Q <: Int, E <: AbstractTuringLatentModel} <:
"Prior distribution for the MA coefficients."
"Prior distribution for the standard deviation."
"Order of the MA model."
"Prior distribution for the MA coefficients. For MA(q), this should be a vector of q distributions or a multivariate distribution of dimension q"
"Order of the MA model, i.e., the number of lagged error terms."
"Prior distribution for the error term."

function MA(coef_prior::Distribution, std_prior::Distribution;
q::Int = 1, ϵ_t::AbstractTuringLatentModel = IDD(Normal()))
coef_priors = fill(coef_prior, q)
return MA(; coef_priors = coef_priors, std_prior = std_prior, ϵ_t = ϵ_t)
function MA(θ::Distribution, σ::Distribution;
q::Int = 1, ϵ::AbstractTuringLatentModel = IDD(Normal()))
θ_priors = fill(θ, q)
return MA(; θ_priors = θ_priors, σ = σ, ϵ = ϵ)

function MA(; coef_priors::Vector{C} = [truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)],
std_prior::Distribution = HalfNormal(0.1),
ϵ_t::AbstractTuringLatentModel = IDD(Normal())) where {C <: Distribution}
q = length(coef_priors)
coef_prior = _expand_dist(coef_priors)
return MA(coef_prior, std_prior, q, ϵ_t)
function MA(; θ_priors::Vector{C} = [truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)],
σ::Distribution = HalfNormal(0.1),
ϵ::AbstractTuringLatentModel = IDD(Normal())) where {C <: Distribution}
q = length(θ_priors)
θ = _expand_dist(θ_priors)
return MA(θ, q, ϵ)

function MA(coef_prior::Distribution, std_prior::Distribution,
q::Int, ϵ_t::AbstractTuringLatentModel)
function MA::Distribution, q::Int, ϵ::AbstractTuringLatentModel)
@assert q>0 "q must be greater than 0"
@assert q==length(coef_prior) "q must be equal to the length of coef_prior"
new{typeof(coef_prior), typeof(std_prior), typeof(q), typeof(ϵ_t)}(
coef_prior, std_prior, q, ϵ_t
@assert q==length(θ) "q must be equal to the length of θ"
new{typeof(θ), typeof(σ), typeof(q), typeof(ϵ)}(
θ, q, ϵ
Expand All @@ -82,15 +84,12 @@ Generate a latent MA series.
@model function EpiAwareBase.generate_latent(latent_model::MA, n)
q = latent_model.q
@assert n>q "n must be longer than order of the moving average process"

σ ~ latent_model.std_prior
coef_MA ~ latent_model.coef_prior
@submodel ϵ_t = generate_latent(latent_model.ϵ_t, n)
scaled_ϵ_t = σ_MA * ϵ_t
θ ~ latent_model.θ
@submodel ϵ_t = generate_latent(latent_model.ϵ, n)

ma = accumulate_scan(
(; val = 0, state = scaled_ϵ_t[1:q]), scaled_ϵ_t[(q + 1):end])
(; val = 0, state = ϵ_t[1:q]), ϵ_t[(q + 1):end])

return ma
Expand All @@ -99,14 +98,14 @@ end
The moving average (MA) step function struct
struct MAStep{C <: AbstractVector{<:Real}} <: AbstractAccumulationStep

@doc raw"
The moving average (MA) step function for use with `accumulate_scan`.
function (ma::MAStep)(state, ϵ)
new_val = ϵ + dot(ma.coef_MA, state.state)
new_val = ϵ + dot(ma.θ, state.state)
new_state = vcat(ϵ, state.state[1:(end - 1)])
return (; val = new_val, state = new_state)
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26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions EpiAware/test/EpiLatentModels/models/MA.jl
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@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
@testitem "Testing MA constructor" begin
using Distributions, Turing

coef_prior = truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)
std_prior = HalfNormal(0.1)
ma_process = MA(coef_prior, std_prior)
θ_prior = truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)
σ_prior = HalfNormal(0.1)
ma_process = MA(θ_prior, σ_prior)

@test ma_process.coef_prior == filldist(coef_prior, 1)
@test ma_process.std_prior == std_prior
@test ma_process.θ_prior == filldist(θ_prior, 1)
@test ma_process.σ_prior == σ_prior
@test ma_process.q == 1
@test ma_process.ϵ_t isa IDD

@testitem "Test MA(2)" begin
using Distributions, Turing
coef_prior = truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)
θ_prior = truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)
ma = MA(
coef_priors = [coef_prior, coef_prior],
std_prior = HalfNormal(0.1)
θ_priors = [θ_prior, θ_prior],
σ_prior = HalfNormal(0.1)
@test ma.q == 2
@test ma.ϵ_t isa IDD
@test ma.coef_prior == filldist(coef_prior, 2)
@test ma.θ_prior == filldist(θ_prior, 2)

@testitem "Testing MA process against theoretical properties" begin
Expand All @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ end

ma_model = MA()
n = 1000
coef_MA = [0.1]
σ_MA = 1.0
θ = [0.1]
σ = 1.0

model = generate_latent(ma_model, n)
fixed_model = fix(model, (σ_MA = σ_MA, coef_MA = coef_MA))
fixed_model = fix(model, (σ = σ, θ = θ))

n_samples = 100
samples = sample(fixed_model, Prior(), n_samples; progress = false) |>
Expand All @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ end

theoretical_mean = 0.0
theoretical_var = σ_MA^2 * (1 + sum(coef_MA .^ 2))
theoretical_var = σ^2 * (1 + sum(θ .^ 2))

@test isapprox(mean(samples), theoretical_mean, atol = 0.1)
@test isapprox(var(samples), theoretical_var, atol = 0.2)
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