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[DEPRECATED] vision_pkg

please use the imaging pkg

Image detection

Plane side

The camera on the plane takes pictures at a configurable rate. The camera we are using, the Basler Ace acA2500-60uc, has drivers in the basler_camera package. The drivers rely on the manufacturer provided SDK pylon.The images are published in both raw and compressed form on the /other_camera/image_raw topic or the /other_camera/image_raw/compressed topic. subscribes to the compressed topic and the state topic, which provides current state information of the plane (location, heading, etc). It then creates a message with both the compressed image and relevant state information and publishes it to the state_image topic at the rate of 1 Hz.

This whole system begins by running roslaunch sniper_cam onboard_camera.launch in the correct workspace on the Odroid. If you don't want the imaging system to terminate if your ssh session is interrupted, use nohup roslaunch sniper_cam onboard_camera.launch &. This launches the processes in the background and catches the hangup signal. For the script to work, the following environment variables need to be set on the Odroid:

  • ROS_IP=Odroid's IP
  • ROS_MASTER_URI=Odriod's (http://)IP:11311

The launchfile will also launch a node to store images taken locally, on a uSD card. The drive should be mounted with sudo mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt -o umask=000 before the flight. Settings to adjust auto white balance and frame capture rate are in the cam_settings.yaml file. This is the extent of the image processing running on the plane.

Ground side

To run the ground image detection software:

  1. Ensure that your local environment variables are set to the following:
  • ROS_IP=Your Computer's IP
  • ROS_MASTER_URI=Odroid's (http://)IP:11311

An easy way to do this is to run source .rosrc, where .rosrc is the script in the root folder of this project. Make sure to edit this script first to use the proper IP addresses or make your IP address static in the router DHCP setup.

  1. Ensure that you are connected to the same network as the Odroid.
  2. If this is your first time running this, the proper folders need to be set up to hold images. This can be done by running the following script from the root folder of this project: .setup_imaging_gs.
  3. Run the command roslaunch sniper_cam manual_imaging.launch.

A GUI should open up showing an image count in the upper left hand corner incrementing as new images are saved. Here's what's going on:

  • subscribes to the state_image topic. It takes the image portion of the message, decompresses it, and saves it to ~/Desktop/vision_files/all_images with a filename consisting of the timestamp.jpg. The state portion of the message is written the ~/Desktop/vision_files/all_state_files folder with a filename of the same timestamp. The format is CSV.
  • reads images from the all_images folder. When you left click a spot on the image, it parses the state file and figures out the GPS location of the click point, copying the image to a target_[number] directory, and appends the located point to a file in target_locations_sorted directory.
  • You cycle to another target with a right mouse click.

Image classification and localization

All classification and localization takes place on the ground. If this is done on a different computer (and it probably should be) than the one that runs the detection (see above), the vision_files folder should be network shared to this computer. The basic flow is as follows:

  • Run rosrun sniper_cam This is a Tkinter application that lets you rotate, add characteristics to, and submit an image to the interopt client.
  • It shows tiled all of the images selected for a certain target. Pick the best by double clicking. It should be surrounded by a red border and fill the screen. Click and drag a box around object and select crop. Add characteristics.
  • Click submit. This creates a message with all the data and the cropped, rotated image. This message is published on the plans (as in Death Star plans) topic. The interopt client will read off this and send to the judge's interopt server.

Adjusting camera settings on the fly

Two major problems were experienced at last year's competition relating to imaging: getting sufficient images to the ground and white balance on those images. A little digging helped us discover how to change parameters on the fly:

  • The detection gui isn't the best way to monitor image quality as it may lag far behind the current incoming stream. We need some way to view the livestream coming in. Image pipeline lets you subscribe to compressed or uncompressed image topics and view them raw. Run it with rosrun image_view image_view image:=<image topic> [image transport type] after cloning and building it with the rest of the packages.
  • The basler_camera package publishes both compressed and uncompressed topics, so make sure you subscribe to the right one.
  • Dynamic reconfiguration is a common way of dynamically changing parameters in ROS. pointgrey_camera_driver provides several nodes that support it. Run rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure to launch the gui. From here you can change camera parameters and also compression parameters, to dynamically change streaming characteristics.
  • Both of the above utilities can be run by running roslaunch sniper_cam camera_calibration.launch.
  • Additional calibration is needed to remove distortion at the edges of the image, where the lens distorts straight lines to make them appear curved (rectification). Use the tutorial here to generate a YAML with configuration parameters (my command was rosrun camera_calibration --ze 8x6 --square 0.108 image:=/image_raw camera:=/). We've already run this for the Basler Ace that we have and the calibration is stored in cam_calibration.yaml. Then we load this calibration file into the Basler driver by putting it in the launch file (under the "camera_info_url" parameter). Now the camera driver should publish the calibration messages on the camera_info topic. Finally, run the image_proc node from image_pipeline repo with the instructions given here ( I ran rosrun image_proc image_proc). In theory, image_proc should now be publishing topics with rectified images.

Getting it all together

There should be 4 computers running on the ground during a flight:

  1. The ground station running the ground station package.
  2. The image detection.
  3. The image classification and localization.
  4. The interopt client.