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IMPROVEMENTS: Refactor parameter table to it's own file
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amilcarlucas committed Apr 29, 2024
1 parent f7dab04 commit c33e6aa
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Showing 2 changed files with 361 additions and 331 deletions.
335 changes: 4 additions & 331 deletions MethodicConfigurator/
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SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3

from sys import exit as sys_exit

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import filedialog

from logging import debug as logging_debug
#from logging import debug as logging_debug
from logging import info as logging_info
from logging import warning as logging_warning
from logging import error as logging_error
from logging import critical as logging_critical
#from logging import critical as logging_critical

from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
Expand All @@ -33,14 +31,15 @@

from frontend_tkinter_base import show_tooltip
from frontend_tkinter_base import AutoResizeCombobox
from frontend_tkinter_base import ScrollFrame
from frontend_tkinter_base import ProgressWindow
from frontend_tkinter_base import BaseWindow

from frontend_tkinter_connection_selection import ConnectionSelectionWidgets

from frontend_tkinter_directory_selection import VehicleDirectorySelectionWidgets

from frontend_tkinter_parameter_editor_table import ParameterEditorTable

from tempcal_imu import IMUfit

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,332 +171,6 @@ def show_about_window(root, version: str):
source_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10, pady=10)

class ParameterEditorTable(ScrollFrame):
A class to manage and display the parameter editor table within the GUI.
This class inherits from ScrollFrame and is responsible for creating,
managing, and updating the table that displays parameters for editing.
def __init__(self, root, local_filesystem):
self.root = root
self.local_filesystem = local_filesystem
self.background_color = root.cget("background")
self.current_file = None
self.write_checkbutton_var = {}
self.at_least_one_param_edited = False

def repopulate(self, selected_file: str, different_params: dict, fc_parameters: dict, show_only_differences: bool):
for widget in self.view_port.winfo_children():
self.current_file = selected_file

# Create labels for table headers
headers = ["Parameter", "Current Value", "New Value", "Unit", "Write", "Change Reason"]
tooltips = ["Parameter name must be ^[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]* and most 16 characters long",
"Current value on the flight controller ",
"New value from the above selected intermediate parameter file",
"Parameter Unit",
"When selected, write the new value to the flight controller",
"Reason why respective parameter changed"]
for i, header in enumerate(headers):
label = tk.Label(self.view_port, text=header)
label.grid(row=0, column=i, sticky="ew") # Use sticky="ew" to make the label stretch horizontally
show_tooltip(label, tooltips[i])

self.write_checkbutton_var = {}

file_documentation = self.local_filesystem.file_documentation
if file_documentation and selected_file in file_documentation:
file_info = file_documentation[selected_file]
file_info = None

if show_only_differences:
self.__update_table(different_params, fc_parameters, file_info)
self.__update_table(self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[selected_file], fc_parameters, file_info)
# Scroll to the top of the parameter table
self.canvas.yview("moveto", 0)

def __update_table(self, params, fc_parameters, file_info): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
for i, (param_name, param) in enumerate(params.items(), 1):
param_metadata = self.local_filesystem.doc_dict.get(param_name, None)
param_default = self.local_filesystem.param_default_dict.get(param_name, None)
doc_tooltip = param_metadata.get('doc_tooltip') if param_metadata else \
"No documentation available in apm.pdef.xml for this parameter"

column_0 = self.__create_parameter_name(param_name, param_metadata, doc_tooltip)
column_1 = self.__create_flightcontroller_value(fc_parameters, param_name, param_default, doc_tooltip)
column_2 = self.__create_new_value_entry(param_name, param, param_metadata, file_info,
param_default, doc_tooltip)
column_3 = self.__create_unit_label(param_metadata)
column_4 = self.__create_write_write_checkbutton(param_name)
column_5 = self.__create_change_reason_entry(param_name, param, column_2, file_info)

column_0.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky="w", padx=0)
column_1.grid(row=i, column=1, sticky="e", padx=0)
column_2.grid(row=i, column=2, sticky="e", padx=0)
column_3.grid(row=i, column=3, sticky="e", padx=0)
column_4.grid(row=i, column=4, sticky="e", padx=0)
column_5.grid(row=i, column=5, sticky="ew", padx=(0, 5))

except KeyError as e:
logging_critical("Parameter %s not found in the %s file: %s", param_name, self.current_file, e, exc_info=True)

# Configure the table_frame to stretch columns
self.view_port.columnconfigure(0, weight=0, minsize=120) # Parameter name
self.view_port.columnconfigure(1, weight=0) # Current Value
self.view_port.columnconfigure(2, weight=0) # New Value
self.view_port.columnconfigure(3, weight=0) # Units
self.view_port.columnconfigure(4, weight=0) # write to FC
self.view_port.columnconfigure(5, weight=1) # Change Reason

def __create_parameter_name(self, param_name, param_metadata, doc_tooltip):
is_calibration = param_metadata.get('Calibration', False) if param_metadata else False
is_readonly = param_metadata.get('ReadOnly', False) if param_metadata else False
parameter_label = tk.Label(self.view_port, text=param_name + (" " * (16 - len(param_name))),
background="red" if is_readonly else "yellow" if is_calibration else
if doc_tooltip:
show_tooltip(parameter_label, doc_tooltip)
return parameter_label

def __create_flightcontroller_value(self, fc_parameters, param_name, param_default, doc_tooltip):
if param_name in fc_parameters:
value_str = format(fc_parameters[param_name], '.6f').rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
if param_default is not None and is_within_tolerance(fc_parameters[param_name], param_default.value):
# If it matches, set the background color to light blue
flightcontroller_value = tk.Label(self.view_port, text=value_str,
background="light blue")
# Otherwise, set the background color to the default color
flightcontroller_value = tk.Label(self.view_port, text=value_str)
flightcontroller_value = tk.Label(self.view_port, text="N/A", background="orange")
if doc_tooltip:
show_tooltip(flightcontroller_value, doc_tooltip)
return flightcontroller_value

def __update_new_value_entry_text(new_value_entry: tk.Entry, value: float, param_default):
new_value_entry.delete(0, tk.END)
text = format(value, '.6f').rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
new_value_entry.insert(0, text)
new_value_background = "light blue" if param_default is not None and \
is_within_tolerance(value, param_default.value) else "white"

def __create_new_value_entry(self, param_name, param, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
param_metadata, file_info, param_default, doc_tooltip):

present_as_forced = False
if file_info and 'forced_parameters' in file_info and param_name in file_info['forced_parameters']:
present_as_forced = True
if "New Value" in file_info['forced_parameters'][param_name] and \
param.value != file_info['forced_parameters'][param_name]["New Value"]:
param.value = file_info['forced_parameters'][param_name]["New Value"]
self.at_least_one_param_edited = True

new_value_entry = tk.Entry(self.view_port, width=10, justify=tk.RIGHT)
ParameterEditorTable.__update_new_value_entry_text(new_value_entry, param.value, param_default)
bitmask_dict = param_metadata.get('Bitmask', None) if param_metadata else None
old_value = self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[self.current_file][param_name].value
except KeyError as e:
logging_critical("Parameter %s not found in the %s file: %s", param_name, self.current_file, e, exc_info=True)
if present_as_forced:
new_value_entry.config(state='disabled', background='light grey')
if bitmask_dict:
new_value_entry.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda event:
self.__open_bitmask_selection_window(event, param_name, bitmask_dict, old_value))
new_value_entry.bind("<FocusOut>", lambda event, current_file=self.current_file, param_name=param_name:
self.__on_parameter_value_change(event, current_file, param_name))
if doc_tooltip:
show_tooltip(new_value_entry, doc_tooltip)
return new_value_entry

def __open_bitmask_selection_window(self, event, param_name, bitmask_dict, old_value): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
def on_close():
checked_keys = [key for key, var in checkbox_vars.items() if var.get()]
# Convert checked keys back to a decimal value
new_decimal_value = sum(1 << key for key in checked_keys)
# Update new_value_entry with the new decimal value
self.local_filesystem.param_default_dict.get(param_name, None))
self.at_least_one_param_edited = (old_value != new_decimal_value) or self.at_least_one_param_edited
self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[self.current_file][param_name].value = new_decimal_value
# Destroy the window
# Issue a FocusIn event on something else than new_value_entry to prevent endless looping
# Run the Tk event loop once to process the event
# Re-bind the FocusIn event to new_value_entry
event.widget.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda event:
self.__open_bitmask_selection_window(event, param_name, bitmask_dict, old_value))

def update_label():
checked_keys = [key for key, var in checkbox_vars.items() if var.get()]
new_decimal_value = sum(1 << key for key in checked_keys)
close_label.config(text=f"{param_name} Value: {new_decimal_value}")

# Temporarily unbind the FocusIn event to prevent triggering the window again
window = tk.Toplevel(self.root)
window.title(f"Select {param_name} Bitmask Options")
checkbox_vars = {}

# Convert current_value to a set of checked keys
current_value = int(event.widget.get())
checked_keys = {key for key, _value in bitmask_dict.items() if (current_value >> key) & 1}

for i, (key, value) in enumerate(bitmask_dict.items()):
var = tk.BooleanVar(value=key in checked_keys)
checkbox_vars[key] = var
checkbox = tk.Checkbutton(window, text=value, variable=var, command=update_label)
checkbox.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky="w")

# Calculate new_decimal_value here to ensure it's accessible when creating the label
new_decimal_value = sum(1 << key for key in checked_keys)

# Replace the close button with a read-only label displaying the current new_decimal_value
close_label = tk.Label(window, text=f"{param_name} Value: {new_decimal_value}", state='disabled')
close_label.grid(row=len(bitmask_dict), column=0, pady=10)

# Bind the on_close function to the window's WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol
window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_close)

# Make sure the window is visible before disabling the parent window

window.wait_window() # Wait for the window to be closed

def __create_unit_label(self, param_metadata):
unit_label = tk.Label(self.view_port, text=param_metadata.get('unit') if param_metadata else "")
unit_tooltip = param_metadata.get('unit_tooltip') if param_metadata else \
"No documentation available in apm.pdef.xml for this parameter"
if unit_tooltip:
show_tooltip(unit_label, unit_tooltip)
return unit_label

def __create_write_write_checkbutton(self, param_name):
self.write_checkbutton_var[param_name] = tk.BooleanVar(value=True) # Default to selected
write_write_checkbutton = ttk.Checkbutton(self.view_port,
show_tooltip(write_write_checkbutton, f'When selected write {param_name} new value to the flight controller')
return write_write_checkbutton

def __create_change_reason_entry(self, param_name, param, new_value_entry, file_info):

present_as_forced = False
if file_info and 'forced_parameters' in file_info and param_name in file_info['forced_parameters']:
present_as_forced = True
if "Change Reason" in file_info['forced_parameters'][param_name] and \
param.comment != file_info['forced_parameters'][param_name]["Change Reason"]:
param.comment = file_info['forced_parameters'][param_name]["Change Reason"]
self.at_least_one_param_edited = True

change_reason_entry = tk.Entry(self.view_port, background="white")
change_reason_entry.insert(0, "" if param.comment is None else param.comment)
if present_as_forced:
change_reason_entry.config(state='disabled', background='light grey')
change_reason_entry.bind("<FocusOut>", lambda event, current_file=self.current_file, param_name=param_name:
self.__on_parameter_change_reason_change(event, current_file, param_name))
show_tooltip(change_reason_entry, f'Reason why {param_name} should change to {new_value_entry.get()}')
return change_reason_entry

def __on_parameter_value_change(self, event, current_file, param_name):
# Get the new value from the Entry widget
new_value = event.widget.get()
old_value = self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[current_file][param_name].value
except KeyError as e:
logging_critical("Parameter %s not found in the %s file: %s", param_name, current_file, e, exc_info=True)
valid = True
# Check if the input is a valid float
p = float(new_value)
changed = not is_within_tolerance(old_value, p)
param_metadata = self.local_filesystem.doc_dict.get(param_name, None)
p_min = param_metadata.get('min', None) if param_metadata else None
p_max = param_metadata.get('max', None) if param_metadata else None
if changed:
if p_min and p < p_min:
if not messagebox.askyesno("Out-of-bounds Value",
f"The value for {param_name} {p} should be greater than {p_min}\n"
"Use out-of-bounds value?", icon='warning'):
valid = False
if p_max and p > p_max:
if not messagebox.askyesno("Out-of-bounds Value",
f"The value for {param_name} {p} should be smaller than {p_max}\n"
"Use out-of-bounds value?", icon='warning'):
valid = False
except ValueError:
# Optionally, you can handle the invalid value here, for example, by showing an error message
messagebox.showerror("Invalid Value", f"The value for {param_name} must be a valid float.")
valid = False
if valid:
if changed and not self.at_least_one_param_edited:
logging_debug("Parameter %s changed, will later ask if change(s) should be saved to file.", param_name)
self.at_least_one_param_edited = changed or self.at_least_one_param_edited
# Update the params dictionary with the new value
self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[current_file][param_name].value = p
# Revert to the previous (valid) value
p = old_value
ParameterEditorTable.__update_new_value_entry_text(event.widget, p,
self.local_filesystem.param_default_dict.get(param_name, None))

def __on_parameter_change_reason_change(self, event, current_file, param_name):
# Get the new value from the Entry widget
new_value = event.widget.get()
changed = new_value != self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[current_file][param_name].comment and \
not (new_value == "" and self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[current_file][param_name].comment is None)
except KeyError as e:
logging_critical("Parameter %s not found in the %s file %s: %s", param_name, current_file,
new_value, e, exc_info=True)
if changed and not self.at_least_one_param_edited:
logging_debug("Parameter %s change reason changed from %s to %s, will later ask if change(s) should be saved to "
param_name, self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[current_file][param_name].comment, new_value)
self.at_least_one_param_edited = changed or self.at_least_one_param_edited
# Update the params dictionary with the new value
self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[current_file][param_name].comment = new_value

def get_write_selected_params(self, current_file: str):
selected_params = {}
for param_name, checkbutton_state in self.write_checkbutton_var.items():
if checkbutton_state.get():
selected_params[param_name] = self.local_filesystem.file_parameters[current_file][param_name]
return selected_params

def generate_edit_widgets_focus_out(self):
# Trigger the <FocusOut> event for all entry widgets to ensure all changes are processed
for widget in self.view_port.winfo_children():
if isinstance(widget, tk.Entry):
widget.event_generate("<FocusOut>", when="now")

def get_at_least_one_param_edited(self):
return self.at_least_one_param_edited

def set_at_least_one_param_edited(self, value):
self.at_least_one_param_edited = value

class ParameterEditorWindow(BaseWindow): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
This class is responsible for creating and managing the graphical user interface (GUI)
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