It is a weather station that uses LoRaWAN® module to sent IoT data to TTN® (The Things Network) infrastructure.
- Arduino MEGA 2560;
- DHT22 (temperature and umidity sensor);
- GY-302 (light sensor);
- UVM-30A (UV sensor);
- DS18B20 (soil temperature sensor);
- HD-38 (soil moisture sensor);
- BMP-085 (temperature and environment pressure);
- INA-219 (voltage and current sensor);
- pluviometer;
- anemometer;
- windsock;
- RGB led;
- RHF76-052 (LoRa/LoRaWAN module);
AgroTechLab (Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias para o Agronegócio)
IFSC (Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina) - Câmpus Lages
Rua Heitor Vila Lobos, 225 - São Francisco
Lages/SC - Brazil
CEP: 88.506-400