😁 The AgroTechLab is a multidisciplinary laboratory (computer science, agronomy and business administration) that develop technologies for agribusiness and smart cities.
🏫 It is part of IFSC (Federal Instititute of Santa Catarina) and is located in the city of Lages, state of Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil.
🌐 The laboratory is also responsible for managing the TTN community in the Lages city (TTN/Lages).
Some of our repositories are public and allow the developer community to participate (through a Pull Request). These public repositories can be used (including for commercial purposes) by people, companies and institutions, as long as they accept the license associated with it.
The repositories below are our IoT (Internet of Things) solutions:
- pyIoTDevSim - An IoT device simulator that uses a real LoRaWAN® module (connected to serial port) to sent simulated IoT data to TTN® (The Things Network) infrastructure.
The repositories below are our Embedded Systems solutions:
- Power Monitor - The Power Monitor aims to monitor the energy consumption of IoT devices.
- Benchmark Mega2560 - A benchmark of Arduino® Mega 2560 power consumption in different operating modes.
- Benchmark Pro Mini - A benchmark of Arduino® Pro Mini power consumption in different operating modes.
The repositories below are our HW (Hardware) solutions:
- ATL100 HW - ATL100 is a multiparametric station developed to be used as a meteorological station, agrometeorological station, hydrological station, aquaculture station, tide gauge station or fire monitoring station (forest or urban).
The repositories below are our AI (Artificial Intelligence) solutions:
- CNN Trainer (Local) - A CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) Trainer to be used at local machines (multicore compatible).
- CNN Trainer (Distributed) - A CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) Trainer to be used at distributed system (distributed and multicore compatible).
The repositories below are our App (Mobile Applications) solutions:
- AgroTechLab App - A mobile application to grant access to our systems.