Releases: ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS
Pre Release Build
Latest Version set to 1711071
Pre Release Build 1.5.0
[ALL] Updated version to
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix issue where export of insignia customization corrupted init script.
[MIL_OPCOM] Implemented OPCOM dynamic strategic task "capture objective"! If C2ISTAR is placed, and strategic autotasking is used for the players side, then OPCOM will issue a task to capture the highest priority target that is currently being attacked by friendly troops.
[SYS_PROFILE] Handle 2D positions on spawn to avoid errors in persistent missions
[X_LIB] Improved fnc_groupGarrison to not select already garrisoned building-positions
[SYS_PROFILE] Fixed profile system not respecting formerly stored units position and always spawning all units on ground in the same spot. Only perform profileGetGoodSpawnPosition on virtualized AI that also control vehicles to increase performance and decrease spawn time (createUnit creates the AI units in safe spots either way). Removed legacy code.
- profiles were always spawned on ground level.
- profiles always spawned at the same spot instead of their last stored unit position.
- much of senseless legacy code
Note: - if a profile is moved in virtual space (bf.e. y OPCOM) it will therefore also not remain in the originally placed position when spawned again. that is logical and intended.
- if units in a group are placed individually they will return to their formation position. this happens without or with profiled ones, though profiled ones are set directly to their formationpos and won't move for themselves. that is intended.
- init code in units placed in editor has no effect on virtualised units. its same as before.
Pre Release Build
Latest Version set to 1710311
Pre Release Build 1.4.1
[ALL] Updated version to
[MIL_C2ISTAR] At least inform the players to bring a vehicle with enough cargo capacity to the pick up point in task Troop Transport Insertion before letting some noobs (incl. myself) stumble into an instafail!
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fixed situation in Task Hostage rescue where the player could be switched to from leader to regular group member after the hostage was rescued, preventing the mission to continue properly.
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Task CSAR - Fixed corrupt UAV AI profiles which spawned at [0,0,0] preventing the player from continuing the mission! Fixed situation where a player could be the switched from to group leader to normal group member which preventing to order commands on the rescued crew and continuing the mission.
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix Task CSAR was not finishing parent task if an intermediate mission state would fail, leaving an uncompleted task that could not be completed
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix Task Hostage Rescue was not finishing parent task if intermediate mission states would fail, leaving uncompleted tasks that could not be completed
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix Task Hostage Rescue was not finishing parent task if intermediate mission state would fail, leaving an uncompleted final task that could not be completed (fix #458)
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix error in task "Capture Military Objective" if there were no objectives being attacked by OPCOM! (fix #456)
[UI] Use CBA's flexiMenu functions but keep ALiVE's popup menu style
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Improved Tasking System: Dynamically generated missions can now be "Failed", "Succeeded", "Cancelled" via the regular task-edit option of the commanders tablet! A new task will be given, according to the selected autotasking option.
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix cancel task was not working when updating a task
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fixed wrong input check in taskdestroyBuilding , that broke autotasking if this mission was called
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix task markers didn't get cleaned up if an auto-generated task was updated via commanders tablet
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Reverted c867aea and fixed it fo realZ (fix #457)
[SUP_COMBATSUPPORT] And some more .... :(
[SUP_COMBATSUPPORT] Cleanup the pylon code a bit
[SUP_COMBATSUPPORT] Add pylon support for vehicles synced to CS module (#441)
[MIL_LOGISTICS] Add smoke/strobe to supply drop for heli inserts (Fixes #324)
[MIL_LOGISTICS] Put some rogue inspectHash es behind a _debug check
[INDEX] X-Cam Prototype
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fixes #457
[MIL_ATO] Added initial ATO respawn
[DEMO] Try lower case
[DEMO] Updated MP Malden
[MIL_LOGISTICS] Add smoke/strobe to supply drop for airdrops (#324)
[INDEX] Object Blacklist updated
[MISSIONS] Malden Multiplayer Demo
[MAIN] Clarified on how to the mission needs to be completed in mission briefing of Offensive Counter air mission (#252)
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix action on pilot not working up for JIP players in hostage rescue mission
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix action on pilot not working up for JIP players in CSAR mission
[UI] Fix copy faction class to clipboard not working
[MAIN] New Quickstart by Heroes
[INDEX] Reindex Namalsk. Missing one mil objective but good enough
[ALL] staticData loading overhaul (#444)
-[main] Function to control loading of staticData
-[amb_civ_placement] Update staticData handling
-[civ_placement] Update staticData handling
-[fnc_analysis] Update staticData handling
-[mil_c2istar] Update staticData handling
-[mil_cqb] Update staticData handling
-[mil_placement] Update staticData handling
-[mil_placement_custom] Update staticData handling
-[sup_player_resupply] Update staticData handling
-[sys_logistics] Update staticData handling
-[sys_orbatcreator] Update staticData handling
-[sys_profile] Update staticData handling
-[x_lib] Update staticData handling
-[main] Remove redundant checks from ALiVE_fnc_staticDataHandler
[INDEX] Leskovets. Thanks to Bradon
[SYS_ACEMENU] ACE Interact menu integration (#454) Basic integration of ALiVE menu in players ACE Self Interaction menu. C2ISTAR - Personnel, Intel, Tasks, Operations and Reporting, Combat Support, Player Resupply. Minor changes. Usage of clientInit PostInit XEH since its entirely a player/client. feature Update authors, because fame and glory .... Small syntax cleanups. Added module readme
-[sys_acemenu] Handle different displays and controls correctly
-[sys_acemenu] fnc_aceMenu_readIntel for adding interaction to dropped intel
-[mil_opcom] Add ACE interaction to dropped intel items
-[sys_acemenu] Missing delimiter (,)
-[sys_acemenu] Add IED interaction
-[mil_ied] Modify IED action and arm/disarm functions for ace interaction. ALiVE_fnc_addActionIED, ALiVE_fnc_armIED, ALiVE_fnc_disarmIED, ALiVE_fnc_removeActionIED
-[sys_acemenu] Better sanity checking
-[sys_acemenu] Minor spelling changes
-[sys_acemenu] Run init on all machines
[SUP_COMBATSUPPORT] Hybrid CS assets dual respawn (boom) (#449)
-[sup_combatsupport] Fix condition where hybrid CS assets spawn twice
-Check if there is already a new vehicle spawned
-Tabs and what not
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix issues where object was not displayed correctly. Add new classname functionality. Add ability to write configs to file.
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Add optional addon prefix to module parameters
[MAIN] Update logistics static data for RHS (by @HeroesandvillainsOS)
[ALIVECLIENT] Added ability to export ORBATRON configs to file
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fixed issue where copy faction UI would not show.
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Added UI to allow editing of faction name prior to copy. WIP
Pre Release Build
Latest Version set to 1710111
Pre Release Build 1.4.1
[ALL] Updated version to
[Map Index] Tilos. Thanks to bradont!
[MIL_IED] Fixed output of ALiVE_fnc_placeVBIED was broken and a script error was thrown if not executed from within a trigger
[MIL_OPCOM] Added VBIEDs if an insurgents group is on an operation to place IEDs or is setting up an IED factory. The VBIED threat level and amount of VBIEDs placed can be selected on the according IED module option (fix #430)
[MIL_IED] Improved handling of module function overrides if synced to AI commander module for better flexibility and customizable options
[MIL_CQB] Fix CQB sometimes did not choose the correct faction if several CQB modules where in place (fix #432)
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix error when Orbat Creator is launched from menu
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix issue where vehicles are placed underground. Added option to remove grey background. Position on map now determined by module.
Pre Release Build
Latest Version set to 1710051
Pre Release Build 1.4.1
[ALL] Updated version to clusterbuild 1.76.143187 - Public Stable Hotfix
[MIL_CQB] CQB Unit Blacklists
[X_LIB] Added functions to manage AI getting into vehicles in an HC environment
[MIL_ATO] Added ignore_HC setting to profiled AI pilots to avoid them being moved off server
[MAIN] AI Distributor should ignore profiles with ignore_HC set
[SYS_PROFILE] Add a profile attribute that can be used to stop profiled AI from being moved to a headless client
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Enhanced C2ISTAR UI to support tactical and strategic auto tasking
Pre Release Build 1.4.1
Latest Version set to 1709291
Pre Release Build 1.4.1
[ALL] Updated version to
[MIL_PLACEMENT] Improve random camp placement (avoid runways and roads)
[MAIN] Properly handle ACEX Headless, and other small optimizations. Actually checks the value of 'acex_headless_enabled', not just presence. 'AI_DISTRIBUTOR' value now properly checked with isNull, not just presence. Populate 'AI_LOCALITIES' hash only if 'debug' is active
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fixed UI issues with new auto tasking improvements.
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix UI error in C2ISTAR tablet when enabling/disabling auto task generation.
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fix for backward compatibility of old missions with C2ISTAR auto tasking set to "true"
[MIL_ OPCOM] Added restore disable-action on existing roadblocks on mission start (fix #433)
[MIL_OPCOM] Store roadblock information on nearest building instead of "any" object which could also be a butterfly and not be existing on next mission start. Adjust disable function to match new output of ALiVE_fnc_CreateRoadblock
[CIV_MP] ALiVE_fnc_CreateRoadblock now returns roads of all created roadblocks improving situations with multiple roadblocks at an objective
[SYS_DATA] Fix Sys Data wanted to save an unexisting variable if only objectives was chosen on CIV MP module
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fixed issue where module debug default choice was yes.
[X_LIB] Update ALiVE_fnc_getNearestAirport to use allAirports
[SYS_DATA] Added Chat Kill Feed as Friznit asked for it.
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Added taskRequest function so that modules may send players tasks via C2ISTAR. Added sample Capture Objective task for use by OPCOM. WIP
[MISSIONS] Added custom objective and some manually placed vAI for showcase reasons
[SYS_PROFILE] Sped up profile sim again by reducing frames needed for combat (again)
[MAIN] Further check to not allow saving mission state without player persistence to DB when player persistence has been turned off on player options module
[MAIN] Re-add lazy evals
[MAIN] AI_Distributor enhancements. Handle calls where mode is (Distribution set to Server in module config). Do away with some tabs from copy/paste
Release Build 1.4.0 (release hotfix)
Latest Version set to 1709191
Release Build 1.4.0
[ALL] Updated version to (1.4.0 release hotfix)
[SYS_PLAYER] Fix global init halting when player persistence is disabled
[MAIN] Change single quoted isNil to QMOD
[INDEX] Malden updated.
[MAIN] Better fix for the previous fix :)
[MAIN] Fix error in AI_Distributor
Release Build 1.4.0
Latest Version set to 1709171
Release Build 1.4.0
[ALL] Updated version to
[MISSIONS] Switched BLUFOR forces to Armored to counter opposing forces properly
[MIL OPCOM] If an installation has been disabled show message to all players of the side who has disabled the installation
[MIL OPCOM] Make disable-installation functions working for JIP
Revert parts of "[MIL PLACEMENT | MIL PLACEMENT CUSTOM] Allow Military Placement modules handle a situation where no suitable parking position was found to minimize exploding vehicles"
[ALL] More converting CRLF to LF to hopefully fix git oddities
[ALL] Convert CRLF to LF to hopefully fix this git oddities
Revert "[INDEXES] Delete Taunus from to prevent another error.... Feel free to repush a working version"
[INDEXES] Delete Taunus from to prevent another error.... Feel free to repush a working version
Revert "[WHATEVER] Taunus merge clusterfizzle again."
[MISSIONS] Reset unwanted mod dependency...
[MISSIONS] Changed BLUFOR troops constellation from light infantry to mechanized troops
[MAIN] Update AI_Distributor
Pre Release Build 1.4.0
Latest Version set to 1709151
Pre Release Build 1.4.0
[ALL] Updated version to
[MIL OPCOM] Revert identify roadblock change to nearest building as not tested yet
[WHATEVER] Taunus merge clusterfizzle again.
[MISSIONS] Minor Adjustments to SP init of ALiVE Air Superiority
[MIL_OPCOM] Add removal option on Roadblocks! You need to aim at the the charge placed in the center of the roadblock and hold space if you want to disable it without blowing it up
[CIV_PLACEMENT] Changed output of ALiVE_fnc_CreateRoadblock from nothing to return the selected road (and yes, I checked all occurences of this function for its output usage).
[X_LIB] Added ALiVE_fnc_RemoveComposition ([_pos,_radius] call ALiVE_fnc_RemoveComposition will remove any previously placed ALiVE composition being removed visually and from data)
[X_LIB] Added storage of created composition objects to ALiVE_fnc_SpawnComposition
[MIL_CQB] Prevent error when trying to create a CQB thingy outside the ALiVE grid
[FNC_STRATEGIC] Fixed issue in getParkingPosition where a > 360deg check was performed. Changed detection of suitable spot to findEmptyPosition command and exit with [] if no suitable position is found.
[MIL_PLACEMENT | MIL PLACEMENT CUSTOM] Allow Military Placement modules handle a situation where no suitable parking position was found to minimize exploding vehicles
[MIL_OPCOM] Tweaked "disable asymmetric installation"-action to show only when being in a building (or very close to it)
[MIL_OPCOM] Also remove charges when an installation has been removed manually
[MISSIONS] Added Showcase ALiVE | Air Superiority
[MIL_OPCOM] Only show performance warning on too many objectives in RPT and not on screen
[MIL_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM] Fix bug with composition field being set to "false"
[SUP_COMBATSUPPORT] Add VCOM exclusion variable to Combat Support asset pilots (drivers) to avoid VCOM giving support orders overriding player given orders
[MAIN] Add RHS GREF and SAF factions to CustomFactions.hpp
Pre Release Build
Latest Version set to 1709081
Pre Release Build 1.3.7
[ALL] Updated version to clusterbuild 1.76.142872 - Public Stable (Laws of War DLC)
[AMB_CIV_POP] Fix tabs!
[SYS_PLAYEROPTIONS] Update ALiVE Player Options module to 3DEN standards and fix backwards compatibility
[MAIN] Update ALiVE Required module to 3DEN standards and fix backward compatibility
[MIL_OPCOM] Added ability to disable Insurgents installations without having to destroy them to minimize negative impact on civilians! (fix #414)
[MIL_OPCOM] Improved cleanup procedure after an installation has been removed!
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fixed typo in C2ISTAR module config
[SUP_COMBATSUPPORT] Fix issue where error appears when CAS asset is destroyed prior to any taskings.
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Fixed typo on new CfgVehicles definition
[SYS_WEATHER] Improved date and error handling for real weather. Fixes #309
Pre Release Build
Latest Version set to 1709061
Pre Release Build 1.3.7
[ALL] Updated version to
[MIL_IED] Fix issue where incorrect type was sent for sector hostility update.
[MAIN] Improved the way ZEUS is handled so you can now effectively remote-control other units via ZEUS (fix #321)
[MIL_OPCOM] Replace dev branch command
[MIL_OPCOM] Improve change of IEDs and roadblocks for insurgent commanders
[MIL_IED] Update sector hostility based on IED detonation or disarm
[MIL_CQB] Readd sector id to debug
[MIL_CQB] Fix CQB not persisting (fixes #411)
[MIL_CQB] Remove subsector ID from regular debug to reduce marker spam
[MIL_ML] Fixed LOGCOM did not replenish armored or mech at all
[MIL_OPCOM] Fixed OPCOM was not requesting artillery and AAA reinforcements. Added Force-Makeup-Data to debug.
[MIL_OPCOM] Reset danger indication level of an objective that has been taken to avoid it being not reconned once it has been lost and is reattacked afterwards
[INDEX] add composition type to Beketov index
[INDEX] Beketov 1.0 by @HeroesandvillainsOS
[SYS_ADMIN] Fixed typo in stringtable reference
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Changed property values to support backwards compatibility
[MIL_LOGISTICS] First de-duplication pass
[MIL_LOGISTICS] Less hacky hacky fix
[MIL_LOGISTICS] Use actual group faction and not player faction when requesting resupply of groups
[MIL_LOGISTICS] Hacky fix for RHS player resupply
[SUP_PLAYER_RESUPPLY] Updated text to be clear that restricting items to faction will include whitelisted factions (if defined)
[SUP_PLAYER_RESUPPLY] Added faction whitelist to module parameters. Defaults to player faction unless whitelist is defined. Factions must be covered by LOGCOM. Fixes #127
[X_LIB] Update War Room export functions to use A3 screenshot command
[MIL_C2ISTAR] remove debug.
[MIL_ATO] Use a Gamelogic as a laz0r-dummy-object unit instead of a balloon and add a cleanup procedure for it and the laz0r
[X_LIB] Fix profileNameSpaceClear did not delete missions with whitespace part #2
[MIL_ATO] Add support for previous persistent missions, add debug message for data loading.
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Once again fix improper variable use
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix improper variable
[MAIN] Fix IFA3 logistics blocking static data from finishing
[SYS_LOGISTICS] Improvements to building destruction persistence for dedicated server. Added moar debug!
[SYS_LOGISTICS] ALiVE now persists building destruction. Formerly destroyed buildings will also stay destroyed when loading a mission from DB (local / cloud).
[MIL_ATO] Fixed Air strike was not working.
[MIL_OPCOM] Moved position of _maxLimit check to avoid errors
[MIL_OPCOM] Improved monitoring to allow a more detailed inside on OPCOM (put ALiVE_MIL_OPCOM_MONITOR_FULL = true in debug console). Fixed OPCOM not processing queued events and getting stuck, not proceeding
[STATICDATA] IF44 Logistics Compatability
[INDEX] Updated Lythium
[MIL_OPCOM] Changed OPCOM is not in charge of air assets and also does not request air reinforcements
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix invalid variable names
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Spawn vehicle init code to accomodate 'sleep' command
[MIL_CQB] Fix sub sector substring thingy
[X_LIB] Added ATO to PNS data-clean-up procedure when using ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceClear
[SYS_LOGISTICS] Improved handling of destroyed objects on mission load from DB e.g. delete previously destroyed objects instead of resetting state.
[INDEX] I44 Sark
[INDEX] I44 Battle of the Bulge
[INDEX] I44 Merderet Winter
[INDEX] I44 Merderet
[INDEX] Updated Object Blacklist
[INDEX] I44 Merderet V2