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Groups without augmentation evokers (assuming you are playing augmentation):
augs == 0
Groups that still have a place for my role (and the roles of my party members) and a leader with a mythic+ rating of at least 1500:
partyfit and mprating >= 1500
Groups that still have a place for my role (and the roles of my party members) and a leader with a mythic+ rating of greater than my current mythic+ rating minus 100 (Example: If you have a rating of 1812, groups with a rating of 1713 or higher are shown):
partyfit and mprating > mymprating - 100
Mythic+ dungeon groups where the leader has a mythic plus rating of at least 2000, already have a tank or a healer and at least one member which provides Bloodlust/Heroism (see Property Keywords, Rating Keywords and Member Keywords):
mythicplus and mprating >= 2000 and ( tanks >= 1 or heals >= 1 ) and haslust
Groups that match your or your party's role and did not previously hard- or soft-decline you (see Property Keywords):
partyfit and not declined
-- equivalent: partyfit and not ( harddeclined or softdeclined )
Groups that do not yet have Bloodlust/Heroism (assuming you are a mage or shaman):
not hasbl
Raider.io rating of current, last season, main char or main char last season is at least 1000 (requires addon Raider.io to be installed; see Raider.io Keywords):
( rio > 1000 or rioprev > 1000 or riomain > 1000 or riomainprev > 1000 )
Remove Ruby Life Pools and Algeth'ar Academy groups (see Dungeon Keywords):
not ( rlp or aa )
-- equivalent: not rlp and not aa
Remove Oceanic groups (requires addon Premade Regions to be installed; see Region Keywords):
not oce
Strictly no Oceanic groups (also removes new groups where region is not yet known; requires addon Premade Regions; see Region Keywords):
not ( oce and region == nil )
-- equivalent: ( not oce or region ~= nil )
Strictly just Oceanic groups (requires addon Premade Regions to be installed; see Region Keywords):
At least one group member wears mail armor, but group does not yet have a hunter (see Member Keywords):
mail >= 1 and hunters == 0
Not more than two hunters and shamans combined:
hunters + shamans <= 2
Fresh raid groups that not have killed any bosses yet (see Lockout Keywords):
defeated == 0
Heroic raid groups which did not defeat Terros (see Lockout Keywords):
heroic and not boss["terros"]
PvP groups where the leader has a rating of at least 1500 and which do not contain an evoker (see PvP Keywords and Member Keywords):
pvprating > 1500 and evokers == 0
Arena 3 vs. 3 groups with a Druid or Evoker as healer:
arena3v3 and ( druid_heals >= 1 or evoker_heals >= 1 )
Show only dungeons or raids where I do not yet have an ID (see Lockout Keywords):
Remove WTS groups:
age < 5 and members > 1
Sorting is only available in expert mode (small window).
Sort pending applications to top, then by Mythic+ rating descending:
apporder desc, mprating desc
Sort pending applications to top, then by PvP rating descending:
apporder desc, pvprating desc
Mythic+ dungeons where I have the lowest rating first, then by number of tanks and heals:
myaffixrating asc, tanks desc, heals desc
Just by age, newest groups first:
agesecs asc