npx create-remix@latest --template zyishai/trailer-stack
The Trailer Stack is a quick and lightweight Remix stack.
It uses a combination of very minimal setup and optional add-ons that can be installed and configured during initialization.
This stack was influenced by the Epic Stack.
- Production-ready SurrealDB Database
- Sending emails with nodemailer and responsive live preview of email templates!
- Styling with Tailwind and Shadcn UI
- Custom fonts:
- Global styles preset
- Custom components: CodeWithCopy, ThemeSelector, and more
- Dark mode support
- Runtime schema validation using Zod and Conform
- Flat routes provided by Remix Flat Routes
- SEO features: auto sitemap.xml generation and robots.txt routes
- Code formatting with Prettier and EditorConfig
- Auto lint before commits using ESLint and Husky
- Static Types with TypeScript
Found a bug? Want to suggest a feature? You can report a bug, recommend a feature or fork this repository and open a pull-request. Just make sure you follow the Contribution Guide.
Thank you for using this stack. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.