MARSIM: A light-weight point-realistic simulator for LiDAR-based UAVs
Paper is available on Arxiv:
The video is available on youtube: and 【MARSIM: 轻量化雷达无人机仿真器】
Ubuntu 20.04 is also supported in ubuntu20 branch.
Ten realistic maps (low and high resolution) have been realeased in the realease packages.
A new branch that merge with FUEL has been released in the fuel_ubuntu20 branch.
Ubuntu 16.04~20.04. ROS Installation.
PCL>=1.6, Follow PCL Installation.
Eigen>=3.3.4, Follow Eigen Installation.
sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev libglew-dev
mkdir -p marsim_ws/src
cd marsim_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:hku-mars/MARSIM.git
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch test_interface single_drone_avia.launch
Click on 3Dgoal tool on the Rviz, you can give the UAV a position command to control its flight.
For now, we provide several launch files for users, which can be found in test_interface/launch folder.
You can change the parameter in launch files to change the map and LiDAR to be simulated. The maps have been uploaded to the realease files in this repository.
<arg name="map_name" value="$(find map_generator)/resource/small_forest01cutoff.pcd"/>
If you want to use the GPU version of MARSIM, please set the parameter "use_gpu" to true.
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch test_interface single_drone_mid360_dynobs.launch
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch test_interface triple_drone_mid360.launch
You should first change the branch to fuel_ubuntu20 branch. If you are using ubuntu 20.04, you should first download Nlopt and make install it in your environment. Then you can run the simulation by the command below:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch exploration_manager exploration.launch
Then click on 2Dgoal tool on the Rviz, randomly click on the map, and FUEL would automously run.
Thanks for FUEL
More realistic maps and functions are going to be released soon.