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Aleks Kissinger edited this page Mar 4, 2013 · 24 revisions

QuantoDerive is the new scala-based GUI that will replace the existing Quantomatic GUI. These pages are for planning various aspects of the tool.

Graph Editor

The graph editor can be run stand-alone or (ultimately) inside of QuantoDerive. Its designed to be as simple as possible, and does not need to communicate with the core. It loads and saves files in the .qgraph file format. For more info, see file formats.

Many aspects of the interface are obvious, so here are suggestions on how to do the less obvious things.

Layout of wire-vertices

Currently, all vertices are laid out with fixed positions. However, it might be nicer to only give fixed positions for node-vertices and boundaries (i.e. wire-vertices with one or zero adjacent edges), then lay out the intermediate nodes automatically. For multiple wires between two node-vertices, it would look nice to lay out wire-vertices interpolated along the bezier curve of each edge.

The intermediate wire-vertices should be selectable, but not draggable. Deleting a wire-vertex would upgrade its neighbour(s) to boundaries.

!-box editing

!-boxes are add via the Add !-Box tool. With this tool selected, the user can drag boxes around collections of vertices to ! them. They can also be modified when the Select tool is active (TODO: decide whether to let !-box editing be its own tool). !-boxes can be edited in various ways. Most of these have to do with working with the ``hot corner'' of the !-box, which can be thought of as logical !-node which connects to the contents of the box. (See arXiv:1204.6695 for how this works).

Delete a !-box by selecting it and pressing the DELETE key. Add child vertices or !-boxes by dragging a line from the corner of the !-box to the vertex or child !-box. When a !-box is selected, it will show lines connecting the corner of the !-box to any of its child vertices or !-boxes. Centred on each of these lines is a small X the user can click to remove the child from the !-box. The lines and the X'es should be light and unobtrusive (perhaps becoming darker on mouse-over) to not confuse the eye.

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