Monitors the Stellar network and publishes events to webhooks
Clone this project
$ git clone $ cd stellar-event-publisher
Install dependencies
$ composer install
Accept the defaults for all options
Set up a webhook to receive events. provides a quick and free way to test webhooks
Create a config file that will send all ledgers to the webhook:
[ { "source": "ledgers", "destination": "" } ]
Initialize the database
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:create
Start the supervisor process which launches the watcher and webhook publisher
$ bin/console sep:supervisor
Within 30 seconds ledger events should start being delivered to your webhook endpoint
To run this project without checking out the source code, use the docker image
Set up a webhook to receive events. provides a quick and free way to test webhooks
Create a directory to contain config files
$ mkdir /tmp/sep-config-test
Create a config file that will send all ledgers to the webhook:
[ { "source": "ledgers", "destination": "" } ]
Use docker to run a stellar event publisher container that reads from the config directory
$ docker run -v /tmp/sep-config-test:/project/var/config zulucrypto/stellar-event-publisher