This project aims to provide a reusable ViewPager widget for Android. It is based on the ViewPager class from Androids V4 compatibility package. Because of that android-support-v4.jar needs to be included in the build path.
- android-support-v4.jar
- Animations are handled by Add NineOldAndrois as a library project
- 3D overscroll effect
- 3D swipe effect
- subtle fade out during swipe and over scroll
The ViewPager3d replaces a standard widget.
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
You can control the 3D effect with XML attributes:
app:overscroll_rotation ="1.75"
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
All attributes are optional.
- overscroll_rotation (float): Determines the amount of rotation during over scroll. Maximum rotation angle is 90 degrees divided by this value. Default is 2
- overscroll_translation (integer): determines the maximum amount of translation along the z-axis during the overscroll. Default is 150.
- swipe_rotation (float). Controls maximum rotation during swipe. Maximum rotation angle is 90 degrees divided by this value. Default is 3.
- swipe_translation (integer): Maximum z-translation during swipe. Default = 100.
- overscroll_animation_duration (integer): Duration of animation when user releases the over scroll. Default is 400 ms.
- animate_alpha (boolean): if true the alpha value of the children views is decreased as they scroll out of the screen. Default is false because of performance issues.
ViewPager3D is used like the standard ViewPager widget.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0