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DevOPs Academy 2019 - Ansible Lab

This is a hands on introduction lab to Ansible on Windows. I developed and tested this LAB on Windows 10 but all these tools works fine in Linux.


We setup 3 virtual servers in virtualbox. One of them will be our Ansible control server and we set up other two servers and even configure our local control server from here using Ansible. Two other servers act as web server and database server.

Tools we use

  • vagrant - we us to automate virtual machine creation (in windos host)
  • virtualbox - vagrant our virtualization technology we interact with via vagrant (in windows host)
  • git - git client to download code from github (both in windows host and ansible control server)
  • ansible - on in control server called acs (in asible conrol server only, not in windows host)
  • ssh - for communication between servers. passwrodless auth using keys

Host installation

Once installation is done you could test your tools as you can see in this command line recording: asciicast Above ascii cast file saved in repo as asciinema/244396.json This is to be on the safe side and in case recording got archived you can still view it with the tool: asciinema play asciinema/244396.json If you need asciiname for windows you can install it by following this build tutorial You need to install golang for windows first. Use the msi installer for windows!

Vagrant env setup in host

in vagrant sub-folder of this repository there is a prepared Vagrantfile.lab for you to help you to get 3 virtual machines up for this lab.

vagrant setup commands in host

git clone
cd devops_academy-ansible_lab\vagrant
vagrant init
copy Vagrantfile.lab Vagrantfile
# start up all 3 virtual servers in Virtualbox. Could take several minutes.
vagrant up
#test via SSH
vagrant ssh acs

I also recorded a screen cast of this setup so you can watch these few commands how executes and what kind of output to expect. Be aware: It could take much longer for you than here as vagrant is going to download virtual machine binaries in the first time (~1.8G). asciicast backup asciicast file is asciinema/244408.json

Ansible control server setup (acs)

In this section we log in to our first virtual server and we set it up as ansible control server (acs).

You have learned that ansible uses SSH for communication between servers. Modern distributions have SSH password based authentication off by default for security reasons. So we need to setup SSH key based access between our servers.


  1. login to acs and add two lines into hosts file (this step is optional as we could refer servers by IP but convinient)
  2. login to acs and generate a key we use for authenticaion, copy public key to clipboard
  3. login to web and db server and add pub key to .ssh/authorized_keys
  4. login back to acs and test if our passwordless / key based connection works between our servers

To able refer OS level other virutal servers using their name we add them into /etc/hosts in acs

vagrant ssh acs
sudo su -
cat << EOF >> /etc/hosts web db
ping web
ping db

Setup paswordless server communication using SSH key in control server

We generate an ssh key in acs and add the public key to both web and db server. Finally test SSH connection.

vagrant ssh acs
ssh-keygen -b 4096
tree .ssh/
cat .ssh/
vagrant ssh web
sudo yum -y install vim
vim .ssh/authorized_keys
vagrant ssh db
sudo apt-get -y install vim
vim .ssh/authorized_keys
vagrant ssh acs
ssh web
ssh db

screen cast of above two in one asciicast backup asciicast file is asciinema/244464.json

Dont forget to setup the uuthorized key for db server as well as that part is not recorded.

Ansible setup in acs

We download the code to acs and copy over ansible configs and roles to ansible system config folder /etc/ansible. Finally test if ansible can talk to our hosts aka can use our configs.

# ssh to control server
vagrant ssh acs
# get ansible code to acs into vagrant user's home
git clone
#change to root user
sudo su -
apt-get update
apt-cache search ansible
apt-get -y install ansible
cd /home/vagrant/devops_academy-ansible_lab/ansible/
cp -r group_vars roles *.patch site.yml /etc/ansible
cd /etc/ansible
# patch ansible inventory
patch < hosts.patch
# patch ansible configuration
patch < ansible.cfg.patch
# exit from root shell
# test ansible, see if it can work with hosts defined in its inventory /etc/ansible/hosts
ansible all -m ping

screen cast of above: asciicast backup asciicast file is asciinema/244524.json

Ansible in command line

Here are a few command line options to try in the control server. This is not the main use case of Ansible but it is always good to know that we can do on-demand modifications on serves using ansible from command line without scripts.

# login to control server
vagrant ssh acs
# test with ping module, -vvv extra debug output
ansible all -m ping -vvv
# run commands on servers using command module
ansible web -m command -a "cat /etc/os-release"
ansible all -m command -a "cat /etc/os-release"
ansible db -m command -a "cat /etc/debian_version"
ansible web -m command -a "sudo yum -y install mc"
# soft install using command module (this is the default module so we can skip this -m command option)
ansible web -a "sudo yum -y install mc"
# install using yum module for redhat based systems (package module could be a better idea to use as it can handle multiple OSs)
ansible webservers -m yum -a "name=httpd state=present" --sudo
# create user for server, suer module
ansible db -m user -a "name=dbuser password=dbuserpwd" --sudo
# setup module to see ansible variables
ansible web -m setup
ansible web -m setup -a "filter=ansible_eth*"

screen cast of above: asciicast backup asciicast file is asciinema/244529.json

Ansible plays and playbooks

This is the main use case of ansible. When we write multiple plays and add them into a playbook to apply all to multiple servers. The code in a previous step from the reposiotry already copied to /etc/ansible. Here take a look either on the control server or in github into the structure and the yaml files.

The plays and playbook originally created as part of but modified to work in our environment and made it debian compatible.

vagrant ssh acs
cd /etc/ansible/
# check the structure
# apply the infra code
ansible-playbook site.yml

screen cast of above: asciicast backup asciicast file is asciinema/244533.json


DevOPs Academy 2019 - Ansible Lab







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