A straight forward starter kit for latest versions of react and redux with custom library
sudo npm install
create an envVariables.js file in the root directory (example below)
'use strict'; module.exports = { 'version': '1.0.0', // Environment Specifics 'name': 'development', 'baseApiRoute': 'http://localhost:3030/api/', 'baseUrl': 'http://localhost', 'clientPort': 3000, 'apiPort': 3030, 'chatPort': 3031, 'cors': { 'origin': ['*'] }, 'swagger': { 'documentationPage': true }, 'googleAnalyticsKey': 'YOUR_GA_KEY', 'uploadPath': '/dist/uploads/', 'serverUID': YOUR_SERVER_UID, 'serverGID': YOUR_SERVER_GID, 'secret': 'SECRETS_SECRETS_ARE_NO_FUN', 'dbConfig': { 'development': { 'username': 'YOUR_DB_USERNAME', 'password': 'YOUR_DB_PASSWORD', 'database': 'YOUR_DB_DATABASE', 'host': '', 'dialect': 'postgres', 'omitNull': true, 'options': { 'quoteIdentifiers': true } }, 'production': { 'username': 'YOUR_DB_USERNAME', 'password': 'YOUR_DB_PASSWORD', 'database': 'YOUR_DB_DATABASE', 'host': '', 'dialect': 'postgres', 'omitNull': true, 'options': { 'quoteIdentifiers': true } } }, 'email': { 'user': '[email protected]', 'pass': '', 'XOAuth2': { 'user': '[email protected]', 'clientId': 'YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID', 'clientSecret': 'YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET', 'refreshToken': 'YOUR_GOOGLE_REFRESH_TOKEN' } } }
- Optionally create a google analytics account and add key to /envVariables.js ... uncomment respective code in /src/components/Layout.jsx
- To find you serverUID and serverGID, type
into the server/localhost command prompt - Create a 'secret' key with a random key generator (https://randomkeygen.com/)
- Install postgres on your OS, create a database and add username, password, database, host to /envVariables.js
- To utilize gmail autoresponse, configure nodemailer and add the respective config to /envVariables.js (https://nodemailer.com/usage/using-gmail/)
npm install
ORyarn install
npm install pm2 -g
ORyarn global add pm2
npm run build-prod
npm run start-server
npm run start-client
navigate to localhost:3000 or the clientPort defined in envVariables.js