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Saverio Proto edited this page Jun 25, 2012 · 2 revisions

Deploy a bootstrap node

The bootstrap node needs tincd OLSRd and rsync running

You need to be ```root```

Create the folders:


Copy in bin the binary files and in lib the olsrd libs for the plugins

== tincd config ==

Use the following ```/fairvpn/tinc.conf```
Name bootnode Mode = switch TunnelServer = yes

and ```/fairvpn/tinc-up``` (note: must be executable)
ip link set up dev tap0 ip a a dev tap0 broadcast

Adjust the overlay IP address if needed

Create the file ```/fairvpn/hosts/bootnode``` and type in:
Address youripaddressunderlay

Make sure the file ```/fairvpn/``` is executable

Create the file ```/fairvpn/host-up``` and type in:
echo "Address = "$REMOTEADDRESS > /fairvpn/hosts/$NODE

== OLSRd bootstrap node ==

Here the config file ```/fairvpn/olsrd.conf```
DebugLevel 0 IpVersion 4 MprCoverage 7 Hna4 {


IpcConnect {


LinkQualityFishEye 0

LoadPlugin "/fairvpn/lib/" {

        PlParam     "accept" ""


LoadPlugin "/fairvpn/lib/" {

    PlParam     "Net"    ""


LoadPlugin "/fairvpn/lib/" {

    PlParam     "Accept"   ""


LoadPlugin "/fairvpn/lib/" { PlParam "name" "bootnode"

  	PlParam "hosts-file" "/fairvpn/hosts/nodes"
  	PlParam "resolv-file" "/etc/resolv.conf"

PlParam "interval" "10"

        PlParam "name-change-script" "python /fairvpn/"


Interface "tap0" { LinkQualityMult default 0.989 }

== Rsync on bootstrap node ==

Create the following ```/fairvpn/rsyncd.conf``` file
pid file = /var/run/ use chroot = yes read only = yes


        comment = fairvpn
        path = /fairvpn/hosts
        read only = yes
        list = yes
        uid = nobody

== Start the bootstrap node ==

Create ``````
rm /fairvpn/hosts/nodes touch /fairvpn/hosts/nodes /fairvpn/bin/rsync --daemon --config=/fairvpn/rsyncd.conf /fairvpn/bin/olsrd -f /fairvpn/olsrd.conf /fairvpn/bin/tincd --bypass-security --config=. -K -d2 -D<

EOF /fairvpn/bin/tincd --bypass-security --config=. -d2 -D ```

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