- Selecting radio button should sort listed channels accordingly.
- Filter channels by title based on an input text. Filtering should be case-insensitive.
- Pressing
button should reset both sorting options and text filter. - Clicking or tapping on a channel logo should open the link to the channel's youtube page in a new browser card.
- Numbers represented in the US/British notation (each 10^3 group separated by a comma) e.g. one million = 1,000,000
- Plain JavaScript (ES6/ES2015+).
- No CSS frameworks.
- Data is received from server.
- Channel's title is a unique identifier.
- Data is localized on the server side on the basis of Accept-Language header, specific URL or preference stored in cookie. By 'localized' I mean translation. There is no need to deal with genders or plurals. Translations of descriptions like 'subscribers', 'videos', 'views' are received from server. The data has been added to channels.json.
- Session middleware is simplified.
- Session data is stored in object. It is definitely not for production. Data could be stored in MongoDB.
- At present there is no need to remove single dom listeners. Therefore, I do not implement solution for removing a single / all listeners. But it should be remembered.
- Webpack:
- removes console.warns in the production code,
- can be used as preprocessor in karma,
- bundles and optimizes the final code.
- allows to use babel loader, postcss loader (autoprefixer)
- Koa-router
- Karma + jasmine
- It may happen then data is not displayed to the client. Some 'error' component could be coded.
- It may happen that it is takes time to load data. Some 'progress' component could be coded.
- Bundled production files could have been gziped with compression-webpack-plugin.
- The server code could be bundled: to make it smaller for production.
- I would add integration test: to check both filter and sorter in one test. Examples of scenarios:
- when sort is clicked and filter filled in then the displayed channels should be...
- when sort is clicked and filter filled in, and sort changed then the displayed channels should be...
- when filter is filled in and sort clicked then the displayed channels should be...
- ...
The website is available online However, mongoDB is not implemented
I have checked the website manually in the following browsers (via https://app.lambdatest.com/):
- Chrome, versions: 70
- Mozilla, versions: 60
- Opera, version: 49
- IE, version: 10 -- did not work
- Safari 4.0 -- did not work
I used vendor-prefixes in css: autoprefixer.
Moreover, I included babel and browserslistrc, that covers the following browsers (npx browserslist):
- and_chr 71
- and_uc 11.8
- android 4.4.3-4.4.4
- chrome 71
- chrome 70
- chrome 69
- chrome 63
- chrome 61
- chrome 49
- edge 18
- edge 17
- edge 16
- edge 15
- firefox 64
- ie 11
- ie 10
- ios_saf 12.0-12.1
- ios_saf 11.3-11.4
- ios_saf 11.0-11.2
- ios_saf 10.3
- ios_saf 8
- op_mini all
- opera 57
- safari 12
- safari 11.1
- samsung 4
- Acer swift 3
- LG G6
- HTC U11