Not just a translator, and more than chat.
- Inspired by OpenAI Translator
- Powered by OpenAI ChatGPT API
- Implemented by React Native
The screenshots above are all from v0.1.0, which is not the final version you are looking for.
- AITranslator
- Splash
- Main
- Modes
- Chats
- Discover
- Me
- Scanner
- Settings
- ModeChat
- CustomChat
- ShareDialogue
- PromptEngineeringGuide
- ModeWordCollections
- ModeResultCollections
- ...
- feat: make translator-mode pageable in Modes screen
- feat: support custom chat
- feat: support 'view-capture' and 'text-shot' of a single dialogue
- feat: support chat-persist by sqlite
- feat: support at least 5 user language
- feat: provide an option to hide avatars in chat
- feat: double back-press to exit app on Android
- feat: show app version in settings screen
- feat: auto detect app language
- feat: add common Chinese prompts
- feat: translate Awesome Prompts to more langs (Chinese First)
- feat: add prompts playground
- docs: how to contribute
- docs: how to build iOS app for personal use
- docs: support show version name in Settings screen
- ux: remove 'from-lang' in Modes screen for better user experience
- ux: invert 'chat-list'
- refactor: reimplement theme-setting by React Context
- feat: support Azure OpenAI Service
- feat: support Azure TTS
- feat: support 'As keyboard everywhere'
- feat: support MarkDown preview by inner WebView
- feat: support 'Big Bang English-Word'
- fix: text-recognition-seems-not-stable on Android
- react-navigation
- react-native-svg
- react-native-reanimated
- react-native-gesture-handler
- react-native-mmkv
- react-native-bottom-sheet
- react-native-safe-area-context
- react-native-clipboard
- react-native-view-shot
- react-native-quick-sqlite
- react-native-permissions
- @react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll
do not supportreact-native-reanimated v3
, so we should keep the version of reanimated at^2.14.4
# 1. Clone the souce code
git clone [email protected]:zhuanghongji/react-native-openai-translator.git
# 2. Install node modules
cd react-native-openai-translator
yarn install
# 3.1 if `debug`
yarn run start
yarn run android
# 3.2 else if `release` by terminal.
# After the following two command, you can find the apk file in
cd android
./gradlew assembleRelease
# Tip 1:
# The applicationId of debug-apk will automatically be suffixed with `.dev` from that of the
# release-apk, so you run both debug-apk and release-apk in a single device.
# - application name of debug-apk: AIDev
# - application name of release-apk: AITranslator
# Tip 2:
# - To install the release-apk into you device, run the following commands:
cd ${your-project-parent-dir-path}/react-native-openai-translator/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release
# suggest installing the 64-bit version unless your device does not support it:
adb install AITranslator-arm64-v8a-[version_name].apk
# only install 32-bit below when your device unsupport 64-bit above
adb install AITranslator-armeabi-v7a-[version_name].apk
# Tip 3:
# - If you have experienced slow server-sent-event requests on Android during debugging,
# there is no need to worry as they function properly in the release version.
# To Be Done