Pantheon is a series of functions and workflows aimed to facilitate analyzing fMRI data. It provides a unified api to access and manipulate data in a custom layout. It also includes workflows to create HCP-like data (e.g., functional dtseries data in fsLR 32k space) from fMRIPrep outputs.
This project is created to meet my own data analysis requirement and preference. It may not reflect the best practices. But it will constantly evolve with my latest thoughts.
This project mostly relies on python packages. But several common neuroimaging tools are also required to complete certain operations.
- Required
- numpy
- pandas
- nibabel
- nilearn
- rpy2
- Optional
- rpy2
- plotly
Neuroimaging tools
- FreeSurfer
- Workbench
Distributed under the MIT License.
Zhifang Ye - [email protected]