Releases: zhicwu/cassandra-jdbc-driver
Releases · zhicwu/cassandra-jdbc-driver
Fix issue #5 to support DBeaver - same as 0.6.3-SNAPSHOT
- Fix issue #2 reported by @johndemic - thanks again!
- Bump dependencies to latest version(still use jsqlparser 0.9.6 due to breaking changes introduced in 0.9.7)
- Remove cassandra-all dependency for JDK 7 support
- Added CI config
- Refined README
- Allow to load external configuration file instead of just the embedded config.yaml
- Fix minor bugs in previous release
- Improve support for date, time and timestamp
- Add basic support for collections(list, set and map)
- Sign deliverables and will release to maven central soon
- Clean up code and fix issues found in 0.4.0
- Consolidate configuration into one YAML file
- Add a few more options in magic comments
Tested on Cassandra 3.5
- Upgrade DataStax Java Driver to 3.0.2
- Refined type mapping and conversion code
- Added official CQL parser as fallback of SQL parsing
- Added presto-like magic comments
- Switch to TestNG for unit testing and add more cases
Tested on Cassandra 3.5
This release is still experimental and does not support much data types. I test it against Cassandra 3.0.5 using Ant(SQL Task), JMeter(JDBC Sampler), SQL Squirrel and Pentaho Data Integration(Table Input/Output), and it should be working with both Cassandra 2.x and 3.x.
- Upgrade DataStax Java Driver to 3.0
- Performance is getting back to normal
- Very basic support for PreparedStatement and Blob
- All dependencies shaded and packaged in the same jar