simple theme based on pacman.
$ git clone
Modify theme
setting in blog folder _config.yml
to Tinny
theme: hexo-theme-Tinny
cd themes/hexo-theme-Tinny
please backup your _config.yml file before update.
Modify settings in the file _config.yml
2014/10/18 --- highlight.js supported!
you can find "colorscheme" in _config.yml
. schemes you can use:
arta, atelier-dune.dark, atelier-dune.light, atelier-forest.dark, atelier-forest.light, atelier-heath.dark, atelier-heath.light, atelier-lakeside.dark, atelier-lakeside.light, atelier-seaside.dark, atelier-seaside.light, brown_paper, codepen-embed, color-brewer, dark, default, docco, far, foundation, github, googlecode, hybrid, idea, ir_black, kimbie.dark, kimbie.light, magula, mono-blue, monokai, monokai_sublime, obsidian, paraiso.dark, paraiso.light, pojoaque, railscasts, rainbow, school_book, solarized_dark, solarized_light, sunburst, tomorrow-night-blue, tomorrow-night-bright, tomorrow-night-eighties, tomorrow-night, vs
Thank highlightjs