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Learn to analyze real world data using Python & Pandas. Import data from multiple sources, clean, reshape, impute and visualize your data.
Learn what machine learning is and use Python, Pandas and Scikit-Learn to build machine learning models on real world data.
Learn what deep learning is and learn to use Python, Keras and Tensorflow to build deep learning models on real world data.
Recap of main functionality of Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn with lots of exercises.
Linear regression with single feature and multiple features using Scikit Learn. Model comparison on housing data.
Binary classification with Scikit Learn. Numerical and categorical features. Model comparison.
Clustering with Scikit Learn on Iris flower dataset. KMeans, DBScan, Silhouette Score.
Feature engineering with Scikit Learn on Titanic Dataset. Use transformers to create new features and improve your model performance.
Evaluating model performance using Pipelines, Cross-Validation, Learning curves and Dimensionality Reduction.
First steps with Neural Networks using Keras to solve classifiation and regression problems.
Functional API, Callbacks, Inner Layer visualization and Tensorboard.
Explore other APIs in TensorFlow. Dataset API, Feature Columns API, Layers and Model API.
Tune hyperparameters using Grid Search, Random Search and Keras Autotuner.
Learn about several simple datasets for image classification and build a fully connected network that uses pixels as features
Build a convolutional neural network to classify images and optimize its architecture.
Discover pre-trained models in Keras applications and Tensorflow Hub.
Adapt pre-trained models to your use case.
Flow data from a directory using data generators in Keras and Tensorflow
Retrieve images by similarity using bottleneck features.
Classify different languages using Scikit-Learn and Count Vectors
Classify sentiment using bag of words with Sciki-Learn and NLTK
Classify sentiment using word embeddings and convolutional neural networks in Keras.
Forecast energy demand in Ontario using Fully connected and recurrent networks
Classify sentiment using RNNs
Train a neural network to perform character translation using RNNs
Serve Scikit Learn and Tensorflow models using Flask
Visualize word embeddings with Gensim, Glove, Matplotlib and Plotly Express
Exploration of binary classification with several boosting algorithms. Hyperparameter tuning, grid search and categorical features.
End-to-End Machine Learning exercise on messy dataset. Data cleaning, feature engineering, model selection with Scikit Learn, XGBoost and LightGBM.
End-to-End Machine Learning exercise on unbalanced text dataset. Data cleaning, model selection with Scikit Learn, XGBoost, LightGBM, FastText and Gensim.
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