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A repository with all my dotfiles. This repository uses Dotbot for the installation.



Simple installation

Clone and run the installation script:

git clone
cd dotfiles
./manage add default

More advanced usages

Dotfiles uses Dotbot as the installation engine. It is configured with three levels of abstraction :

  • parts are parts of files given as configuration for Dotbot. See parts
  • configs are groups of parts. See configs
  • hosts are groups of configs. See hosts

The script manage should be used to manage configuration and to load or remove configs and profiles from the current host. See manage --help for more information.


Parts are YAML files which is a part of a full Dotbot play. Refer to the documentation for their format. They are defined in meta/parts.

Here is an example:

# meta/parts/i3/base.yaml

# defines dynamic dir where config part should be added
- env:
    i3dyn: $dyndir/i3.d

# generate the i3 config and link it in user home
- defer:
    id: i3_conf_gen
      - concat:
          $dyndir/i3.conf: $i3dyn
      - link:
          ~/.config/i3/config: $dyndir/i3.conf

# meta/parts/i3/i3.yaml

- link:
    $i3dyn/10_base:               i3/10_base
    $i3dyn/11_default_variables:  i3/11_default_variables
    $i3dyn/20_layout:             i3/20_layout
    $i3dyn/30_keybindings:        i3/30_keybindings
    $i3dyn/50_windows_behaviors:  i3/50_windows_behaviors


Two parts are defined here:

  • base.yaml: define an environment to be able link files in a dynamic config directory and to concat all files in it at the end.
  • i3.yaml: use the dynamic directory to link basic config files.


Configs are groups of parts. Parts of a config are concatenated to create a full Dotbot play. They are defined in meta/configs.

Each line should be the name of a part. Every config is also prepended with the global part meta/base.yaml and appended with meta/end.yaml.

A very simple templating syntax is implemented for configs, to be able to create more complexe workflows. It relies on eval so be careful with what you do. An bash syntax is then possible. The function current_host_has may be used to check if a config is loaded (or will be in the current run).

Any line starting with # is also considered as a comment and will be ignored.

For instance, the following python config add bash configurations related to python, if bash is already loaded:

# add bash/base to get the dyndir configuration
$(if current_host_has bash/bash; then echo "bash/base"; fi)
$(if current_host_has bash/bash; then echo "python/bash"; fi)

It is possible to define dependencies of the config. When loading a config all dependencies will be loaded first. There is no protection against loop, so be careful. To define dependencies, add lines starting with dependency=. You may have several dependencies.


Hosts are group of configs. They are defined in meta/host. Each line should be the name of a config. A dedicated command hosts is implemented to manage versioning of hosts config files. It is the recommended way to manage host config files.


To debug the execution of dotbot, the environment variable DOTFILES_DEBUG may be set to any non-null value.


A repository with all my dotfiles – powered by








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