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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


These are my dotfiles with very basic config changes for things like rails 3, git, homebrew etc. It also creates project aliases for easier directory navigation. These have only been tested on MacOSX, there are some things that are mac specific like 'mvim' and 'mate' commands. Most other stuff should work on regular unix distros with little customization.

Just simply run commands for a simple list of commands and sub-commands. It does not list them all, your best bet is to go through the files themselves.


  • git clone git:// .dotfiles
  • cd ~/.dotfiles
  • rake install

post install

  • Create a ~/.projects directory and add something like PROJECT_PARENT_DIRS[0]="$HOME/src"
  • Copy the ~/.dotfiles/git/gitconfig.sample to ~/.gitconfig and modify to fit your details.

The install rake task will symlink the appropriate files in .dotfiles to your home directory. Everything is configured and tweaked within ~/.dotfiles, though.

The main file you'll want to change right off the bat is base/bashrc.symlink, which sets up a few paths that'll be different on your particular machine.


The projects file is a listing of directories you use for your projects. For example:

# set these for auto project aliases

When you type projects in the command line it will traverse those directories and print a listing of all the top level folders in that directory. The automatic aliasing will also provide a quick cd command to the directory. If you have a directory like the following:


From the command line if you simply type project-name it will cd into that directory.

modify dotfiles

For easier use you can use the following commands to edit or get to your dotfiles dirs.

  • dotcd will change to your .dotfiles directory.
  • dotmate will open your .dotfiles directory in TextMate.
  • dotmvim will open your .dotfiles directory in MacVim. (must have MacVim installed)

commands listing

This may or may not be up to date, but gives you an idea as to what is here.

Some of the commands

==== general ====
dotmate             = open .dotfiles folder in textmate
dotmvim             = open .dotfiles folder in macvim
dotcd               = cd to the .dotfiles directory
home                = cd to ~/
ssh<tab>            = will show all your hosts
reload! / refresh   = reload your shell
myip                = your internet ip
ips                 = ips on this machine
hosts               = edit hosts file with vi
pubkey              = copy to clipboard
battery             = check battery life

==== development ====
projects            = list all your projects based on .projects file
rails-help          = rails help
git-help            = git help
latest-chromium     = download latest chromium
deaths              = kill rails servers

==== databases ====
mstart/mstop        = Start / Stop MongoDB
mystart/mystop      = Start / Stop MySQL
redstart/redstop    = Start / Stop Redis

Rails Help

==== rails ====
r           = rvm use ree-1.8.7-head
rg          = rails generate
rs          = rails server
ts          = thin server
rc          = rails console
rd          = rails destroy
migrate     = run migration
spec        = rspec spec
devlog      = tail -f log/development.log
taild       = tail -f log/development.log

==== bundler ====
bx          = bundle exec
bo          = bundle open
bu          = bundle update

Git Help

gcl	    = git clone
g       = git
get 	  = git
ga      = git add
gall	  = git add .
gst/gs  = git status
gss	    = git status -s
gl      = git pull --rebase --prune
gup     = git fetch && git rebase
gp      = git push
gd      = git diff | mvim -R -
gdv     = git diff -w "" | vim -R -
gc      = git commit -v
gca     = git commit -v -a
gb      = git branch
gba     = git branch -a
gcount  = git shortlog -sn
gcp     = git cherry-pick
gco     = git checkout
glog    = git log
gexport = git git archive --format zip --output
gdel    = git branch -D
gpo     = git push origin


I am in no way a VIM expert, I merely pulled things from different people's repos. The major players I utilized code/config settings from are listed at the bottom of this README. I have the following plugins installed for vim:

  • Command-T : This is similar to cmd-t in TextMate, pulls up files for you to use. You can do ctrl-enter, to open file in horizontal, ctrl-v to enter in vertical.

  • Fugitive: Tim Pope's plugin for Git.

  • Rails.vim: Tim Pope's rails plugin (with some custom leader commands - from Ryan Bates.)

  • SnipMate: Plugin similar to TextMate's snippets.

  • NERDTree: File drawer plugin.

Everything else is pretty basic and was pulled from @holman's repo for .vimrc. If you have tips/tricks I would love to hear them as I am still getting used to VIM myself. I believe most of this should work with VIM < 7.3 except maybe the colorcolumn config option.


Everything's built around topic areas. If you're adding a new area to your forked dotfiles — say, "Java" — you can simply add a java directory and put files in there. Anything with an extension of .bash will get automatically included into your shell. Anything with an extension of .symlink will get symlinked without extension into $HOME when you run rake install.


  • s pings your system for any running Rails apps, and deaths will then kill all of them indiscriminately. rs starts up a new Rails server on the next available port- if 3000 is taken, it'll spin up your server on 3001. You can also run rails-help for more commands.


I am just getting into configuring my .dotfiles for a better system. Most of the stuff in these files were pulled from the following people:

Git / Rails commands from Bash-It.


My simple dotfiles.






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