An exercise to put to practice software development teamwork, subsystem communication, containers, deployment, and CI/CD pipelines. See instructions for details.
TikTalk is a creative web application that allows users to engage in conversations with a variety of AI chatbots, each boasting a unique personality, from a helpful mom to a mysterious vampire. The app features an intuitive chat interface, enabling users to select different AI personalities and view their chat histories and express themselves to all sorts of personalities!
Before you start the steps below, make sure you have the following downloaded on your system:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd 5-final-project-mostly_afk
- Create a .env file inside the
folder and place the OpenAI Api Key that should be provided to you:
OPENAI_API_KEY = "Api Key Provided to you"
- Build docker images and run the containers:
docker compose up --build -d
- Open the application in your browser:
- To stop the containers, run the command:
docker-compose stop