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QT Box Editor

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Screenshots: wiki

Download current (devel) source: tar.gz or zip.

The latest released source is qt-box-editor-v1.13.

Download win32 binary build from

Licence: Apache License, Version 2.0


QT Box Editor is tool for adjusting tesseract-ocr v3 (a.k.a Legacy engine) box files. Aim of this project is to provide easy and efficient way for editing regardless file size. It is useless for training tesseract v4 and above (LSTM engine).

Release information can be found in CHANGELOG file. Code and artwork contribution is welcomed.

QT box editor is a successor of tesseract-gui project that is not developed anymore. Name of application was changed due to name collision with project


License was changed from "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" to "Apache License, Version 2.0" based on agreement with Marcel Kołodziejczyk (original author). Anyway you are welcome to buy him a free beer if you meet him. He deserves it.

Faenza Icons are under GNU/GPL license. Tango Icons are Public Domain.


These icons are Faenza Icons: exit.png filesave.png fileopen.png gtk-jump-to-ltr.png help-about.png next.png previous.png text_bold.png text_italic.png text_under.png window-close.png zoom-in.png zoom-fit.png zoom-original.png zoom-out.png zoom-selection.png (is modified zoom-fit.png)

import.svg is modified icon of Faenza fileopen icon.

joinRow.svg and splitRow.svg are adapted icons of lmproulx icons Convergent and Divergent

gnome-edit-find.svg is from Wikipedia.

Other icons/artwork were created for Qt Box Editor and they are released under Apache License, Version 2.0.


See release page


Requirements: QT5, tesseract & leptonica and (optionally) cmake.

For building you can use qmake-qt5 or cmake

For cmake build you will need to compile&install tesseract by cmake otherwise cmake relevant files (e.g. tesseractConfig.cmake) will not be created and installed.

cmake windows build

<your_QT5_path> could be e.g. f:/Qt/5.15.2/msvc2019_64 <your_tesseract_installation> could be e.g. f:/win64

set QTDIR=<your_QT5_path>
set PATH=%QTDIR%/bin;%PATH%
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<your_QT5_path>;<your_tesseract_installation>"
cmake --build build --config Release --verbose

The Output will be at build\Release\qt-box-editor-1.13.0.exe

cmake linux build

cmake -B build

qmake linux build
