Install LDAPS certificate signed by self-signed CA.
Generate self-signed certificate signed by CA and install for use with LDAPS.
Eliminates need to install AD Certificate Services.
Can be used to output CA cert and LDAPS cert as base 64 encoded certificates.
Export CA and CA-signed certificate upon script completion.
Defaults to $env:TEMP but path can be specified with this parameter.
Example: Install-SelfSignedLDAPS.ps1 -exportCerts -exportPath "C:\Certs"
Defaults to 1
Specify validity of CA in years.
Defaults to 1
Specify validity of cert in years.
Must be less than or equal to CA validity.
Install-SelfSignedLDAPS.ps1 -exportCerts -exportPath "C:\Certs" -caValidYears 5 -certValidYears 5
Version: 0.1
Last updated: 04/14/2020
Creation date: 04/14/2020
Author: Zachary Choate