Render Jsx / Tsx / MD / MDX by Golang.
使用 Go 渲染 Jsx、Tsx、MD、MDX。
- Pure Golang, fast and simple
go get
import App from "./App";
export default function Index(props) {
return <html lang="en">
<meta charSet="UTF-8"/>
<link href="^2/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<App {...props}></App>
title: "Hi"
import Footer from "./"
# {meta.title}
Then use gojsx
to render .tsx or .mdx file.
package jsx
func TestJsx(t *testing.T) {
j, err := gojsx.NewJsx(gojsx.Option{})
if err != nil {
s, err := j.Render("./test/Index.jsx", map[string]interface{}{"li": []int64{1, 2, 3, 4}})
if err != nil {
t.Logf("%+v", s)
In addition to supporting most of the syntax of jsx, gojsx also supports some special syntax
Use {{__dangerousHTML}}
to render raw html without any tag.
export default function Index(props) {
return <>
{{__dangerousHTML: props.rawHtml}}
Since the binding event must happen on the browser, and jsx is js code, the browser needs to run the entire jsx component to bind the event correctly,
which requires the introduction of react at the front end, otherwise it is very complicated to implement,
but the use react will cause jsx to no longer be pure jsx, which in turn will cause gojsx
to become more complicated.
So gojsx
can't implement event binding that uses simple react syntax.
To save the day, you can either write your own js to manipulate the dom (as everyone did in the JQuery days), or use a library like AlpineJs.