SDK of the Facebook Messenger Platform for Node.js
The Facebook Messenger Platform SDK can be installed with NPM.
$ npm install facebook-bot-messenger
var MessengerPlatform = require('facebook-bot-messenger');
sample is following
var bot = MessengerPlatform.create({
pageID: '<your page id>',
appID: '<your app id>',
appSecret: '<your app secret>',
validationToken: '<your validation token>',
pageToken: '<your page token>'
bot.on(MessengerPlatform.Events.MESSAGE, function(userId, message) {
// add code below.
var server = require('http').createServer(handler);
var bot = MessengerPlatform.create({
pageID: '<your page id>',
appID: '<your app id>',
appSecret: '<your app secret>',
validationToken: '<your validation token>',
pageToken: '<your page token>'
}, server);
bot.on(MessengerPlatform.Events.MESSAGE, function(userId, message) {
// add code below.
var app = require('express')();
var server = require('http').Server(app);
var bot = MessengerPlatform.create({
pageID: '<your page id>',
appID: '<your app id>',
appSecret: '<your app secret>',
validationToken: '<your validation token>',
pageToken: '<your page token>'
}, server);
bot.on(MessengerPlatform.Events.MESSAGE, function(userId, message) {
// add code below.
Instance of bot client is a handler of the Messenger Platform.
var bot = MessengerPlatform.create({
pageID: '<your page id>',
appID: '<your app id>',
appSecret: '<your app secret>',
validationToken: '<your validation token>',
pageToken: '<your page token>'
You can call API through the bot client instance.
Get detail information of user.
bot.getProfile('<user id>').then(function(data) {
// add your code when success.
}).catch(function(error) {
// add your code when error.
When MessengerPlatform#getProfile() success return JSON object.
Send readed message
bot.sendReadedAction('<user id>');
Send typing on
bot.sendTypingAction('<user id>');
Send typing off
bot.sendClearTypingAction('<user id>');
sample is following
bot.sendTextMessage('<user id>', '<message>');
This procedure sends a message to the destination that is associated with .
More advanced sample is below;
var textMessageBuilder = new MessengerPlatform.TextMessageBuilder('<message>');
bot.sendMessage('<user id>', textMessageBuilder);
And other send method;
Send image attachment message
bot.sendImageMessage('<user id>', '<url>', '<is reusable');
Send audio attachment message
bot.sendAudioMessage('<user id>', '<url>', '<is reusable');
Send video attachment message
bot.sendVideoMessage('<user id>', '<url>', '<is reusable');
Send file attachment message
bot.sendFileMessage('<user id>', '<url>', '<is reusable');
Type of message depends on the type of instance of MessageBuilder. That means this method sends text message if you pass TextMessageBuilder
The type of instance of MessageBuilder
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.TextMessageBuilder('<message>');
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.QuickRepliesMessageBuilder('Pick a color:');
builder.addImageOption('Red', 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_PICKING_RED', 'http://petersfantastichats.com/img/red.png')
.addImageOption('Green', 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_PICKING_GREEN', 'http://petersfantastichats.com/img/green.png');
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder();
builder.addImageAttachment('<url>', '<is reusable>');
Template attachment message:
- Generic
var element = new MessengerPlatform.GenericElementTemplateBuilder('Welcome to Peter\'s Hats', 'https://petersfancybrownhats.com', 'https://petersfancybrownhats.com/company_image.png', 'We\'ve got the right hat for everyone.');
element1.addButton(new MessengerPlatform.URLButtonBuilder('View Website', 'https://petersfancybrownhats.com'));
var template = new MessengerPlatform.GenericTemplateBuilder();
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder(template);
- Button
var btnUrl = new MessengerPlatform.URLButtonBuilder('Show Website', 'https://petersapparel.parseapp.com');
var btnPostback = new MessengerPlatform.PostbackButtonBuilder('Start Chatting', 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD');
var template = new MessengerPlatform.ButtonTemplateBuilder('What do you want to do next?', [btnUrl, btnPostback]);
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder(template);
- List
var element1 = new MessengerPlatform.ListElementTemplateBuilder('Classic Black T-Shirt', 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/img/black-t-shirt.png', '100% Cotton, 200% Comfortable');
element1.setDefaultAction('https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/view?item=102', 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/', true, URLButton.HEIGHT_RATIO.TALL)
.addURLButton('Buy', 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/view?item=102');
var element2 = new MessengerPlatform.ListElementTemplateBuilder('Classic Gray T-Shirt', 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/img/gray-t-shirt.png', '100% Cotton, 200% Comfortable');
element2.setDefaultAction('https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/view?item=103', 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/', true, URLButton.HEIGHT_RATIO.TALL)
.addURLButton('Buy', 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/shop?item=103');
var template = new ListTemplate();
.addPostbackButton('View More', 'USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD');
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder(template);
- Receipt
var template = new MessengerPlatform.ReceiptTemplateBuilder('Stephane Crozatier', '12345678902', 'USD', 'Visa 2345');
.addElement('Classic White T-Shirt', 50, 'http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/img/whiteshirt.png', 2, '100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton', 'USD')
.addElement('Classic Gray T-Shirt', 25, 'http://petersapparel.parseapp.com/img/grayshirt.png', 1, '100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton', 'USD')
.setAddress(['1 Hacker Way'], 'Menlo Park', 'CA', '94025', 'US')
.setSummary('56.14', '75.00', '4.95', '6.19')
.addAdjustment('New Customer Discount', 20)
.addAdjustment('$10 Off Coupon', 10);
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder(template);
Facebook's server sends user action (message, message delivered, message read and etc.) to your bot server. Request of that contains event(s); event is action of the user.
Webhook events:
- MESSAGE Event name will occur when a message has been sent to your page. You may receive text messages or messages with attachments.
- MESSAGE_DELIVERED Event name will occur when a message a page has sent has been delivered.
- MESSAGE_READ Event name will occur when a message a page has sent has been read by the user.
- MESSAGE_ECHO Event name will occur when a message has been sent by your page. You may receive text messsages or messages with attachments.
- POSTBACK Event name will occur when a Postback button, Get Started button, Persistent menu or Structured Message is tapped.
- OPTIN Event name will occur when the Send-to-Messenger plugin has been tapped.
- REFERRAL Event name will occur when an m.me link is used with a referral param and only in a case this user already has a thread with this bot.
- PAYMENTS Event name will occurs when a persons taps the pay button from the checkout dialog rendered by the Buy Button.
- CHECKOUT_UPDATE Event name enables you to update pricing for flexible-amount transactions on the checkout dialog displayed by the Buy Button.
- ACCOUNT_LINKING Event name will occur when the Linked Account or Unlink Account call-to-action have been tapped.