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Create Update wiki page

alinach edited this page May 16, 2016 · 6 revisions
Create or update wiki page

Creates or updates a wiki page.

When updating an existing page, you can include a version attribute to make sure that the page is a specific version when you try to update it (eg. you don't want to overwrite an update that would have been done after you retrieved the page).

Sync Example:

using System;
using Redmine.Net.Api;
using Redmine.Net.Api.Types;
namespace RedmineTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
           string host = "<host>";
           string apiKey = "<api-key>";

           var manager = new RedmineManager(host, apiKey);

           string projectId = "<project-id>";
           string wikiPageName = "<wiki-page-name>";
           WikiPage page = manager.CreateOrUpdateWikiPage(projectId, 
                                 new WikiPage 
                                       Text = "<wiki-page-text>", 
                                       Comments = "<wiki-page-comment>", 
                                       Version = <wiki-page-version> 

            Console.WriteLine("WikPage details: {0}.", page);

Async Example:

  await manager.CreateOrUpdateWikiPageAsync(projectId, 
                              new WikiPage { Text = wikiPageUpdatedText, Comments = wikiPageComment });