A simple Spring RESTful web service for organizing your personal library.
Bookshelf helps you keep track of which books you have read, are reading, or planning to read.
This app requires Maven, JDK 1.8, and a local MongoDB server.
Clone this repo, start mongodb, and run ./mvnw spring-boot:run
Method | PATH | Description |
GET | /api/books | Retrieve all books |
POST | /api/books | Create a book |
PUT | /api/books/{id} | Update a book |
DELETE | /api/books/{id} | Delete a book |
GET | /api/books/search/findByTitle?title={title} | Retrieve all books matching a given title |
GET | /api/books/search/findByStatus?status={status} | Retrieve all books matching a given status |
All responses follow the hal+json format of HATEOAS.
Property | Type | Null | Description |
id | String | No | unique identifier for the book (auto-generated) |
title | String | No | the title of the book |
authors | List | No | the author(s) of the book |
status | String | No | Must be one of: 'backlog', 'reading', 'completed' |
coverImage | String | Yes | URL of an image of the book cover (auto-generated) |
The service uses the Open Library API in fetching a cover image that matches the book info.
This is for all the folks out there who, like me, have a looooong backlog of unread books that they want to read.
Here is a simple frontend demo.
I made the initial version of this Spring app in the spring of 2018, as a personal project in Java and web development.
Three years later in 2021, I decided to update and rebuild this project because I realized that I didn't have any Java projects uploaded in my GitHub profile :-D
This project is created by yours truly. Book covers courtesy of Open Library.