The project is about an undirected graph with function on it.
The graph's format is:
number of nodes
number of edges
node_i, node_j, weight
node_i, node_j, weight….
The functions we are doing on the graph are:
*Find the minimum cost between two point in the graph (in addition a black list of vertex that you can move thourth them).
*Find Diameter and Radius of the graph.
*Check if the graph satisfy the Triangle inequality.
we added a format of a test in this way:
number of queries
ni, nj, BL number , n_first … n_last
in our project we used the open source:
Zafrir Yakir: 203715602
Oz Levi: 305181158
Itzik Asyag: 305045312
Liz Hadida: 302839667