A non-strict, dynamically typed lisp, which compiles to lambda calculus.
zzzz> (defun foldr (f i xs)
zzzz| (if (eq xs [])
zzzz| i
zzzz| (f (head xs) (foldr f i (tail xs)))))
λf.λi.λxs.(((if ((eq xs) [])) i) ((f (head xs)) (((foldr f) i) (tail xs))))
zzzz> (foldr + 0 [1 2 3])
Higher-order functions and currying (of the
zzzz> (defun repeat (x)
zzzz| (cons x (repeat x)))
λx.((cons x) (repeat x))
zzzz> (defun take (n xs)
zzzz| (if (eq n 0)
zzzz| []
zzzz| (cons (head xs) (take (- n 1) (tail xs)))))
λn.λxs.(((if ((eq n) 0)) []) ((cons (head xs)) ((take ((- n) 1)) (tail xs))))
zzzz> (take 10 (repeat 0))
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
Lazy data structures. In this case, taking the first 10 elements of an infinite list of zeros.