I am a senior undergraduate student from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, interning at Zhipu AI and I am in Microsoft Student Ambassador project and Intel Student Ambassador project. I am researching in Video generation model and Agents Capability of LLM, I have a passion for open-source and actively engage in related work.
I am passionate about open-source initiatives and strive for deeper exploration in this realm. My primary action includes the following:
- 📄: Doing some Multimodal model research likes CogVideoX, CogAgent
- ⭐: Researching the capabilities of model Agents and the integration with Agent frameworks such as langchain-chatchat, chatpdf
- 🏆: Participated in several national competitions, such as RoboMaster and National Students' SmartCar Competition, and achieved some results, including national awards. These competitions have been truly fascinating.
- 💡: I really enjoy hackathon competitions, I welcome teaming up for these events!
- 🌿: My MBTI is ESTJ, I enjoy traveling, drum , and mechanical elements(such as steam trains and typewriters), Welcome to become friends with me!