已经可以正常运行,但仍然需要更多测试以确认是否完全正确。 欢迎使用并指出BUG。 由于只是移植,而并非重新设计和实现,设计上的具体问题我可能无法解答,望见谅。
Skynet is a lightweight online game framework which can be used in many other fields.
For Linux, install autoconf first for jemalloc:
git clone https://github.com/cloudwu/skynet.git
cd skynet
make 'PLATFORM' # PLATFORM can be linux, macosx, freebsd now
export PLAT=linux
For FreeBSD , use gmake instead of make.
Run these in different consoles:
./skynet examples/config # Launch first skynet node (Gate server) and a skynet-master (see config for standalone option)
./3rd/lua/lua examples/client.lua # Launch a client, and try to input hello.
Skynet now uses a modified version of lua 5.3.5 ( https://github.com/ejoy/lua/tree/skynet ) for multiple lua states.
Official Lua versions can also be used as long as the Makefile is edited.
- Read Wiki for documents https://github.com/cloudwu/skynet/wiki
- The FAQ in wiki https://github.com/cloudwu/skynet/wiki/FAQ