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Export specific notes to general md for static site generation, such as Hexo, Hugo, or Astro


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Static Site MD Exporter for Obsidian

Integrate Obsidian into your blog writing process!

Export notes with the published: true front matter into plain Markdown (and upload them), so that you can use them for static site generators!

Meanwhile, wiki links[[]] and many other Obsidian features can be used normally. This plugin does the work of converting [[]] style into []() style automatically in exported markdown, leaving the links inside Obsidian untouched.

Simple guide on how to use this plugin with Hugo and Github Pages

Features (How it Works?)


This plugin will not modify your files in the vault! (Since v2.0.0). It only reads the files and generate new files to upload.

The "All validate files - Static Site MD Export" button on panel (Ribbon) transforms links/tags and handles images, while the "Current file - Static Site MD Export" does similar staff, but only validate the current note, not all the notes.

Transform links and tags (main process)

  1. Get all (if use the "all" button) or active note(s) in vault with front matter "published" (or other key you configured) and the value is true (bool value).
  2. For [[]] or ![[]] links (also []() that doesn't point to an URL, or say, those obsidian thinks is a wiki link) in notes, it finds the target note, and transform them into standard markdown format (if target note also has published: true property). See Transformation Details for more details.
  3. Change tags in front matter into 1-depth format (discarding content before /), removing tags in the content and merge them into the front matter.
  4. Upload the markdown files via git. You can also choose which folder in git repo to upload to. More upload methods will be supported in the future.

Handle images

Obsidian also views images that stores in the assets folder as wiki links, so they are transform together with other links.

However, handling local images like this is kind of tricky. This plugin has 2 builtin options: embed image in output markdown via base64, or abort the export process if there any image of this kind.

The latter option implies you need to upload them manually first, or find another plugin to do this for you, e.g. my obsidian-image-upload, which I find useful in blog workflows. A basic description for it:

A simple plugin that uploads local images in a note to S3 (and S3 compatible services), replace the image link with the S3 link, and remove the images from the vault if they're exclusively used within that note. (optional).

Or, instead of S3, you can write a custom function to upload the image via Custom JS plugin.


If you delete a file in your vault, your file in git won't be deleted. You need to go there to delete them. Similarly, if you change the slug of a post, you need to delete the markdown file in git with the original slug as name.

Transformation Details


Which links will be transformed?

Every link that obsidian thinks is a wiki link. Basically, any link that doesn't target to an URL is a wiki link.

It may either in form of [[Note]], ![[Embedded]], or [title](not/a/url), ![alt](/not/a/url).

How will they be transformed?

Say that we have the following files in vault:

title: Ref
slug: ref-slug
published: true

Note to be linked.

## Section example

<!-- frontmatter omitted -->
## Sec 1
[[Ref|Display Name]]
## Sec 2
[[Ref#section-example|Display Name]]
[[#Sec 1]]
[[#Sec 2|Display Name]]
## Sec 3

An options "Post prefix" is set to "/post/" in this example. This is used to generate path in the URL.

When using "Abort" option for image, the plugin refused to export If use base64, the transform result will be:

<!-- frontmatter omitted -->
## Sec 1
[Display Name](/post/ref-slug)
## Sec 2
[Ref > section-example](/post/ref-slug#section-example)
[Display Name](/post/ref-slug#section-example)
[Sec 1](#sec-1)
[Display Name](#sec-2)
## Sec 3

data: image/png;base64, omitted


Tags in frontmatter and content will be merged into frontmatter, then remove "#" and anything before the last "/".


  • Support more upload methods (add back the S3 method that v1 supports).
  • Support custom handler for image.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request with your changes.


Export specific notes to general md for static site generation, such as Hexo, Hugo, or Astro




