This repo contains the lab code in the 2022 Deep-Learning-and-Practice course. For the detail of each lab please refer to its report.
Implement the back propagation from scratch and train the network to classify the linear and non-linear data.
-Linear data
accuracy: 99%
-Non-linear XOR data
Mastering the 2048 game by reinforcement-learning and N-tuple network.
Score in 10000 times playing the 2048 game after training:
Implement the EEGNet and DeepConvNet to classify the BCI dataset. In this lab, different activation function were tested for the preformance.
accuracy: 87.4% with LeakyReLU
accuracy:81.76 with ELU
Trained the classifier with Resnet18 and Resnet50 to detect the Diabetic Retinopathy.
accuracy: 82.47% with pretrained weight
accuracy: 83.15% with pretrained weight
Inplement the conditional variational autoencoder(VAE) to predict the motion frame of robot end effector.
-Ground truth
-Predict result
psnr : 23.6 dB
Master the LunarLander game with reinforcement-learning, using DQN, DDPG, DDQN and TD3.
LunarLander score of each RL model
Implenet the conditional generative adversarial network(GAN) to generate the specific synthetic images.
-Generated images: (from only words such as 'red cylinder, blue cube... etc')
We dicussed the to pretrained a classifiaction model. Three pretrained weights were generated from autoencoder, K-means and simCLR seperately. Then the weights were used to fine-tune and detects on covid-19 detection task. We discuss that the variety of the pretraining dataset is more important to the performance of down-stream task.