Zuzi is a 2D platformer game. It is created for Introduction to Game Programming Course (COMP-411) during my education in Yeditepe University. For the project of this course, we were asked to develop a game together with our friends in the visual comminucation design department. Zuzi's game design and art part of the game is done by my friends who are in vcd department. And I developed the game.
This game is done for only educational purposes. It doesn't have any commercial purpose.
Gameplay Video Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LpwT3ECAMWq9zz-fph-rDbIZqxXxK4WZ/view?usp=sharing
Play Zuzi (Itch.io link) : https://yusufkaganozetci.itch.io/zuzi