"Linear Motion with Unity" was my graduation project. It was done using Unity. All codes were written in C#. Main aim of this project is to teach linear motion topic by directly experiencing it to anyone who wants to learn this topic. The simulation has both uniform and non-uniform linear motion topics. In each of these, the screen is divided into three parts. In the left part, user can see the formulas, variables and their current values. In the middle section, the simulation's itself can be seen. Graphics that instantly change according to values are placed to the right side. I coded graphics almost from scratch(only used LineRenderer component). All the assets you see is made by myself.
Video Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KhTtR24C6mV3R3isLt7DXSL1_kEcMRn3/view?usp=sharing
Experience project directly (Itch.io link) : https://yusufkaganozetci.itch.io/linear-motion-physics-simulation